150,000 mourners performed national anthem of Thailand in memory of their fallen King

Baku. 22 October. REPORT.AZ/ A huge crowd of mourners gathered on Saturday outside Bangkok's Grand Palace to sing the royal anthem in honour of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died after seven decades on the throne.

Report informs citing the Daily Mail, the government has declared a year of mourning for the 88-year old king, who was seen as a father figure for generations of people, and, though a constitutional monarch, a calming influence over the country's often turbulent politics.

People dressed in black travelled by bus, boat and on foot to Sanam Luang, a tree-lined open space that has been used for royal cremations outside the river-side Grand Palace, bringing the area to gridlock well before the singing.

Police said more than 150,000 were in Sanam Luang and side streets with more people expected through the day.

According to organizers, the new version of the national anthem will be recorded for later display in all theaters of the country before the beginning of each session during the period of mourning for the deceased monarch.

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