13 countries to participate in military drills to be held in Bulgarian waters

The international "Sea Breeze" exercise, which will be held until September 20, with the participation of 13 countries' representatives, will be launched in the waters of Bulgaria in the Black Sea, the commander of the Bulgarian Navy, Rear Admiral Kiril Mikhailov, and the commander of the Sixth Fleet of the US Navy, Vice Admiral Thomas Ishi, said at a briefing held in Varna, Report informs via the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA).

"The main goal of the training is to practice tactical actions and techniques in the fight against floating and bottom mines," Mikhailov pointed out.

Ishi added that 105 sea mines were discovered in the Black Sea in connection with the Russia-Ukraine war, and at least 5 vessels were damaged as a result of dozens of incidents.

"Our goal is for countries to improve their ability to work together and use different tactics to destroy such munitions. Each country will demonstrate methods of detecting and neutralizing floating mines. Some operations will be conducted on the coast, where various demining tools will be demonstrated," the American commander said.

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