Ministry of Emergency Situations organizes training at BHOS

Baku. 16 October. REPORT.AZ/ Baku Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan Republic (MES) held the training session on Student Safety in Focus at Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) for students and staff of the higher school with the support of Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations Union (ASYOU). Etibar Mirzayev, Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations, Khalik Mammadov, SOCAR Vice-President and Kanan Ashurlu, MG, MES Baku Regional Center Director, attended the event.

Report was told in the Baku Higher Oil School, the training including theoretical and practical sessions was attended by the managerial and teaching staff BHOS and Regional Center, as well as the representatives from seven MES departments and Emergency, media representatives and students.

Welcoming the participants of the session BHOS rector Elmar Gasimov expressed his hope that the training jointly organized by BHOS, MES and ASYOU would contribute to teaching the students all the necessary emergency response actions and help them prevent potential accidents or their consequences. He also emphasized the importance of being well-informed about the ways to respond to potential emergency and take protective and safety measures in case of any accidents.

Col. Elshan Aliyev, First Deputy Director of MES Baku Regional Center, made a presentation providing the attendees with detailed information about the emergency cases, their classification and characteristics, emergency response actions and safety measures to be taken when using domestic gas appliances or in case of toxic substances spillage, etc.

The practical part of the training included demonstration of special tactical measures taken by application of special-purpose rescue techniques and tools as well as the relevant equipment, with participation of the MES representatives and other special-purpose rescue forces and service providers.

Students demonstrated great interest in high staircase rescue, deactivation of explosion devices, earthquake related rescue and fire extinguishing simulation related to rescue operations.

At the end of the event Mr. Gasimov expressed his gratitude to the attendees and supporters for helping to organize such an important training session.

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