"Grow into your name ..." - VIDEOREPORT

"Mehriban is my first child, as well as she is the 10 millionth citizen of Azerbaijan. Today President Ilham Aliyev and first lady Mehriban Aliyeva have met with us. As a parent, I thank the head of state and the first lady for the support," Nigar Ojagova, the mother of the 10 millionth citizen of Azerbaijan Mehriban Hasanova, told Report.

She said that she feel proud.

Director of the Republican Perinatal Centre Sevinj Mammadova told Report that Ojagova was accepted by the center on April 5: "The child was born on April 6 at 03:30. The condition of the child is satisfactory. Today the child will be vaccinated and discharged from the hospital. Let the baby grow into her name."

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