Zahid Oruj: Western contingent arrived in region due to Iran's erroneous policy

The western contingent arrived in the region because of Iran's erroneous policy, Azerbaijani Parliament Member Zahid Oruj said at the plenary session of the Milli Majlis today.

According to him, at the current stage of diplomatic and political pressure on Azerbaijan, Erdogan's arrival directly in Zangilan, Jabrayil, meeting with President Ilham Aliyev in the liberated lands dealt a blow to the attacks on Azerbaijan.

The parliament member noted that the current civilian contingent of the West arrived in the region due to Iran's erroneous policy. The state, which has never conducted military exercises in these regions, protected the territorial integrity of Armenia over the past 30 years, should have known that one day it would see NATO emissaries in front of it. The Armenian media writes that during the military exercises, the Iranian army imitated the capture of Baku. However, the Iranian army is trying to capture Yerevan to avoid the threat of opening the 'Araz corridor', instead of the 'Zangazur corridor.' We have established interstate borders with Iran, but if someone wants a new border with Iran, as well as with Armenia, he will turn history back."

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