Those who dump household waste may be fined up to 7,000 AZN in Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijani Milli Majlis has approved in the first reading an increase in fines for dumping household waste outside designated containers (bins).

According to Report, the amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses was discussed at today's plenary session of the parliament.

According to the amendment, individuals will be fined 300 manats ($176.42), officials 1,000 manats ($588.08), and legal entities 4,000 manats ($2,352) for dumping household waste outside designated containers (bins).

For repeated offenses within one year after the decision on administrative punishment comes into force, individuals will be fined 1,000 manats ($588.08), officials from 1,500 ($882.12) to 2,000 manats ($1,176) or, depending on the circumstances and the offender's personality, assigned 60 to 100 hours of community service, and legal entities will be fined from 5,000 ($2,940) to 7,000 manats ($4,116).

At the same time, officials responsible for not timely transporting household waste to specially designated areas will be fined 500 manats ($294), and legal entities 2,000 manats ($1,176).

In addition, another amendment introduces a fine of 500 manats ($294) for throwing waste or other objects from train windows or doors.

The fine for littering or writing on station vestibules, passages, platforms, escalators, and train cars, entering stations through restricted areas or ignoring prohibition signs, and unnecessarily using the passenger-driver communication system is increased to 200 manats ($117.6) (currently 15 manats ($8.82)).

Also, the fine for throwing any object onto the railway is set at 200 manats ($117.6) (currently 30 manats ($17.64)).

The amendments were put to a vote and approved in the first reading.

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