Speaker of Azerbaijani Parliament calls on Armenia to change its constitution

Azerbaijan’s proposal to Armenia on normalization of relations and the signing of a peace agreement is based on the main principles of international law, the Speaker of the Parliament of Azerbaijan, Sahiba Gafarova, said during her speech at the 14th plenary session of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly held in Baku on February 22, Report informs.

She thinks that after more than 3 years of Armenian political and military provocations, the signing of the peace agreement is still possible.

"Several days ago, a bilateral meeting took place between the President of Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of Armenia in the framework of the Munich Security Conference. Agreements reached on negotiations for a peace treaty and meetings on border delimitation can be evaluated as a positive step. Hopefully, Armenia will refrain from provocations, involvement of biased third parties and will abandon its ongoing claims against the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, which are reflected in its Constitution and other legislative acts, and continue direct bilateral negotiations on a peace agreement. The only way for long-term peace and stability in the region is to establish relations with neighbors on the basis of norms and principles of international law," the speaker said.

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