Fifteen political parties officially registered for participation in parliamentary elections

The number of political parties, which applied for participation in early parliamentary elections on February 9 in Azerbaijan, has reached 15.

Report informs that today the Central Election Commission registered authorized representatives of four more parties - the Azerbaijan Evolution Party, the Musavat Party, the Social Welfare Party, and the Solidarity Party.

Earlier, authorized representatives from 11 political parties were registered by the Central Election Commission. These parties include the Azerbaijan Party, the Umid Party, the Civil Solidarity Party, the Great Establishment Party, the United Azerbaijan Popular Front Party, the National Revival Movement Party, the Azerbaijan National Independence Party, Azerbaijan Democratic Party, Great Azerbaijan Party, Unified Authorized representatives of the Azerbaijani Party, and the Motherland Party.

Notably, early parliamentary elections to Milli Majlis are to take place on February 9, 2020.

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