Milli Majlis holding last meeting of spring session

The last plenary session of the spring session of the Milli Majlis has kicked off.

According to Report, six issues were included in the agenda of the meeting chaired by Speaker Sahiba Gafarova.

These are:

1. Draft Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the Cultural Capital of Azerbaijan - Shusha" (third reading)

2. Draft Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the use of renewable energy sources in electricity production" (third reading).

3. Draft Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Service" (third reading).

4. Draft Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Execution of the State Budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2020" (second reading).

5. Draft Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Credit Unions" (second reading).

6. Draft Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Amendments to the Code of the Azerbaijan Republic On Administrative Offences (second reading).

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