Deputy Speaker of Croatian Parliament: 'We are interested in development of cooperation with Azerbaijan'

Croatia is interested in the development of cooperation with Azerbaijan, the Deputy Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Davorko Vidovic, said in a meeting with the Speaker of the Milli Majlis (parliament), Sahiba Gafarova, on May 18, Report informs.

Gafarova thanked Davorko Vidovich for accepting the invitation and participating in the special meeting. She spoke about the unparalleled merits of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, the architect and founder of the modern, independent state of Azerbaijan: "The Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, besides being an outstanding statesman and political figure, was a great leader who changed the fate of his people, an irreplaceable personality. The era of Heydar Aliyev is characterized as a period of construction, development, stability, progress, and independence in Azerbaijan."

The Deputy Speaker of the Croatian Parliament expressed his gratitude for the invitation and the high-level hospitality shown. Saying that they are happy to be friends in Azerbaijan, Davorko Vidovic emphasized that his country is interested in the development of cooperation with Azerbaijan.

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