Convicts brought to Azerbaijan to pay extradition expenses themselves

Baku. 24 October. REPORT.AZ/ The costs during the extradition process (to detain and bring the person to the body where investigation is carried out) of the accused person who avoids the investigation outside the territory of Azerbaijan will be paid by himself/ herself , but not the state.

Report informs that the Criminal Code is changed in this regard.

New paragraph 1.9  is added to the Article 197 of the Code (Court Costs): "The expenses on accused person who evades investigation outside the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan".

This paragraph shall be added to Article 198 of the Code (Court Expenditure). The Article states that court costs may be imposed on the convicted person by the court and may be transferred to the state budget or the state body, individual or legal entity involved in the expenditure process.

The project states that these expenditures have been implemented at the expense of the state until today.

The draft amendment will be discussed at the next plenary session of the Milli Majlis.

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