Parliamentary committee moots Armenian attacks on Azerbaijanis

A video discussion of the attacks and provocations of Armenians against Azerbaijanis living in various parts of the world took place in the parliamentary committee on international relations and inter-parliamentary relations.

The chairman of the Committee of the Azerbaijani Parliament on International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Samad Seyidov strongly condemned the next provocation of the Armenian armed forces in the Tovuz direction of the Azerbaijani-Armenian border.

He noted that attacks on Azerbaijanis protesting against Armenia's provocations violate fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Notably, Armenians committed an incident during a peaceful rally held by Azerbaijanis in front of the Armenian Embassy in London. Moreover, Armenian provocations took place in France, UK, Sweden, Poland, Australia, US, the Netherlands, Belgium against the buildings of the diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan, as well as against the Azerbaijani demonstrators who expressed their opinion peacefully in these countries are characterized as acts of entailing criminal liability.

They carry the elements of vandalism and terror and pursue the goal of deliberately harming the Azerbaijani communities, diplomats, and property.

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