Azerbaijani parliament adopts draft amendment on fining those dropping cigarette ends on ground

Baku. 2 October. REPORT.AZ/ Azerbaijani parliament has today discussed the draft amendment to the code of Administrative Offences at the plenary meeting.

Report informs that item No 5 is annexed to the article No 212 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

According to the amendment, officials creating condition for smoking or offering to smoke in the prohibited areas (excluding places designated for smoking) under the law "On Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products" will be fined AZN 500 and legal entities AZN 1,200.

Moreover, those throwing tobacco products wastes into the environment are expected to be fined AZN 50.

AZN 100 fine is envisaged for those who buy tobacco products for juveniles, involve them in the process of tobacco use by offering or forcing them to use tobacco products.

The draft amendments were adopted through voting. 

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