Azerbaijan to create single database of war veterans

Today's plenary session of the Milli Majlis will discuss the draft amendments to the law "On Veterans" in the third reading.

According to Report, the amendment adds a new paragraph to Article 3 (War Veterans) of the law.

According to the new item, the body (organization) determined by the relevant executive authority maintains the register of war veterans in electronic form in the electronic information system of the body (institution) determined by the appropriate executive power to create a single database of war veterans. The procedure for maintaining the register of war veterans shall be established by the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority.

The primary purpose of preparing the register of war veterans is to create a single database on war-related persons with disabilities and war veterans based on statuses issued to date and to be given in the future and to ensure the automation of collection, storage, and retrieval of relevant information.

The organization of the register will allow clarifying the number of persons granted status in the future, keeping their records, refusing the relevant documents on the status of persons (family members) on paper, determining their status online when applying to government agencies, and proactively reviewing social security rights.

The draft envisages establishing a new provision in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Veterans" on the establishment of a register of war veterans.

After discussions, the draft amendments to the law were put to the vote and adopted in the third reading.

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