Azerbaijan sets state duties for car engine capacity

Amendments are proposed to the law "On state duties" as to the state duties depending on the volume of a car engine.

Report informs that, according to the amendment, if the engine capacity of a car is up to 2,000 cubic centimeters, a state duty of 0.05 manat will be levied for each cubic centimeter of engine volume;

if the engine capacity of a car is up to 3,000 cubic centimeters, a state duty of 100 manats+ 0.1 manat will be levied per cubic centimeter for 2001-3000 cubic centimeters of engine volume;

if the engine capacity of a car is up to 4,000 cubic centimeters, a state duty of 200 manats+ 0.21 manat will be levied per cubic centimeter for 3001-4000 cubic centimeters of engine volume.

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