Azerbaijan ready to teach those who did not learn from 44-day war

"In an interview with CNN Turkey, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev gave important messages on many issues. Some of them were related to the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations in the new situation and its future prospects. Noting that Azerbaijan's position on long-term peace between the two countries remains unchanged, President Ilham Aliyev said this position will not always be the same. According to the head of state, if Armenia is not ready for peace, Azerbaijan's peace proposal will not remain on the table forever," MP Hikmet Babaoglu told Report.

According to him, this position not only called on Armenia to refrain from provocations in recent days but also was a cautious but serious warning:

"That is, the opposite of peace is war, and Azerbaijan is ready for it. It would be better for Armenia to prepare for a lasting peace that will bring development rather than a battle doomed to a new defeat. The second important issue was that the President of Azerbaijan called the Armenian community living in Karabakh "disoriented Azerbaijani citizens" and spoke about their integration into Azerbaijani society. The subtle message was that there is no need for any peacekeeping mission to protect the Azerbaijani citizens from Azerbaijan, even if they have lost their way. Those who think that this mission is permanent or long-term should not make such a mistake. Because in the tripartite statement, each issue is clearly stated at a specific time. The objective determination and assessment related to the third issue are that the Armenian people and government have already accepted defeat. The primary source of this opinion is that in the June 20 elections, 54% of Armenians voted for their defeated supreme commander and re-elected him as a leader. A softer expression of this truth is that the Armenians accept the new reality and realize that they are doomed to peace. However, unfortunately, some still want to drag the Armenians into a new adventure for the sake of their imperialist goals. In other words, for some reason, the Russian Defense Minister is announcing his views on rearming and re-equipping the Armenian army."

The MP said that if the Armenians have come to terms with the new situation and accept the reality of the elimination of the occupation by Azerbaijan, then why there is an attempt to arm Armenia against Azerbaijan by force: "What is the purpose? No one should forget what happened in the 44-day war, which ended with the historic victory of Azerbaijan. If the weapons worth billions of dollars provided by Russia to Armenia in 30 years could not change the military balance in Armenia's favor and today those modern weapons are exhibited in Azerbaijan's Military Trophy Park, then the next attempt is doomed to the same fate. If such provocations continue, the Azerbaijani side will take preventive measures. It should be noted that such measures are already being taken. Considering Russia's role in the region natural, it was reiterated the need to implement all the provisions of the November 10 Declaration, which was primarily due to the immediate withdrawal of all armed groups from Azerbaijani territories where Russian peacekeepers are stationed."

According to H. Baboglu, the following message was also very clear:

"Azerbaijan is ready to teach those who did not learn from the 44-day war again. We fought a dignified war and did not commit war crimes. Azerbaijan wants peace. The road to peace passes through the Zangazur corridor, the disarmed, obedient Armenian community, who is ready to integrate into Azerbaijani society, and live under the protection of the Azerbaijani state and laws and the borders of Azerbaijan recognized by Armenia!"

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