Turkish Chief of General Staff receives Azerbaijani Air Force Commander

Acting Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Commander of the Air Force, Lieutenant General Namig Islamzada is on a visit to Ankara at the invitation of the Commander of the Air Force of the Republic of Türkiye, Army General Ziya Cemal Kadioglu, Report informs, citing Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry.

As a part of the visit, Lieutenant General Namig Islamzada met with the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Türkiye, Army General Metin Gurak.

At the meeting, which was also attended by Army General Ziya Cemal Kadioglu, the prospects for the development of military cooperation between the two fraternal countries and a range of issues of mutual interest, were discussed.


The Chief of General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces, Army General Metin Gurak, has received the Commander of the Azerbaijan Air Force in Ankara, Lieutenant General Namig Islamzada, Report informs, citing Turkish Armed Forces.

It was noted that General Ziya Cemal Kadioglu, the commander of the Turkish Air Force also participated in the mentioned meeting.

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