Korotchenko: Azerbaijan has one of strongest armies in world

“Azerbaijan has proven itself to possess one of the finest military forces not only among the post-Soviet countries but globally. This assertion was confirmed by Armenia's crushing defeat and subsequent capitulation in the 44-day war,” said Director-General of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies Igor Korotchenko at a reception marking June 26 - the Armed Forces Day of Azerbaijan, Report informs.

Korotchenko highlighted two critical factors that caught the attention of military experts worldwide:

“First is pioneering use of reconnaissance and attack drones. Azerbaijan demonstrated how modern, high-tech warfare is conducted, setting a new standard in military operations. The second factor is the deployment of special forces. The liberation of Shusha stands out as an operation unparalleled in its courage, skill, uniqueness, and most importantly, its military-political results. Today, the special forces of the leading countries are compared with Azerbaijan’s special forces.”

The political analyst emphasized that the mastery displayed by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces' officers and high-ranking commanders during the Second Karabakh War, coupled with the military leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the architect of the victory, were decisive factors in securing triumph.

Korotchenko also underscored the close alliance between Russia and Azerbaijan: “I would like to congratulate the personnel of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on their professional holiday. Azerbaijan has purchased over $5 billion worth of Russian weapons, which, along with other armaments, played a crucial role in ensuring victory in the Second Karabakh War. There are stable, close ties between our countries and leaders today.”

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