Well-known art journalist meets with students of Report Media School

Well-known art blogger and cultural journalist Firangiz Aghalarova said she deliberately chose art journalism in a meeting with students of the Report Media School.

"When I came to Azerbaijan from Russia at 18, I realized that I did not know much about the country. I could neither read nor write the language. Besides learning the language, I was also trying to get to know the country. It was very difficult to work as a journalist due to my poor knowledge of the language. I chose this direction as the field of culture and art journalism was easier than others."

Later, Aghalarova realized that the field she chose was not that easy:

"I thought it would be easy to work in the field of culture, but even if I had chosen economics, I would not have faced so many difficulties. I would find a few experts and talk to them, and my job would be easy. There are many directions in art journalism. You should know all kinds of art. You have to be a film critic, a musicologist, and a literary critic. An art journalist should learn from them."

Firangiz Agalarova was born in 1994. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology at Samara State Social and Pedagogical University in 2016 and Step IT Academy in Baku. She worked in the 525-ci Gazet, Kaspi, Echo, and Zerkalo newspapers. She is currently the managing editor at Day.az. Moreover, Aghalarova is the creator of the Odinokimdoma.art podcast dedicated to art and the True-journalism.com website specializing in journalism. She is known by the pseudonym Sofia Frank on social networks.

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