Report Information Agency marks 9th anniversary

Today is the 9th anniversary of Report Information Agency.

Taking into account the favorable conditions created for the free press in Azerbaijan, the ease of public access to online news resources, as well as in order to provide the public with more complete information about the country's participation in large-scale projects and hosting prestigious events, Report Information Agency was launched in 2014.

Report Information Agency, which is available in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English, has gained a wide readership over the past nine years, covering the most important events in the country and the world in politics, economy, society, sports, culture, and other sectors.

The agency also provides information to subscribers through daily bulletins. Organizations and individuals who subscribe to the information published by the agency have the advantage of reading the paid news and analytical information on the website.

Since its launch, the agency has been aiming to promptly inform its readers about the most important events in the country and the world, to provide analytical materials on socio-political and economic processes, to disseminate exclusive interviews and statements on important events on the agenda, and to cover large-scale events in Azerbaijan through photo and video reports.

Preferring exclusive news since day one, the information agency has become a reliable source of reference for all local websites. At present, the agency's private news reports are published daily by more than 100 local and foreign media outlets.

A special place in the activities of the Report Information Agency belongs to informing the country and the world community about the great victory of Azerbaijan in the Patriotic War, the realities of the postwar period, as well as the reconstruction work carried out in the liberated territories. For this purpose, news and commentaries published on the website, which operates 24/7 throughout the year, are operatively translated into Russian and English.

At present, Report has correspondent posts throughout the country, and special attention is paid to the preparation of materials on the socio-economic development of the regions. The agency's special bureaus in Georgia, Russia, Turkiye, Ukraine, the United States, and France closely monitor the important events in those countries, the development of relations between Azerbaijan and those countries, the activities of Azerbaijanis living there, and prepare various articles.

The agency also continues to contribute to the training of specialized journalists in Azerbaijan. The Media School operates in the agency in order to train professional staff in the field of media and to instill in young journalists the modern trends used by the world press. Dozens of young journalists have started working for Report and other media outlets, thanks to the latest teaching methods at the school and the strengthening of young people's practical knowledge and skills. regularly acts as an information supporter for international and local events.

In view of the constant development and change of online media, will further continue to improve its work and provide the public with more complete information.

Currently, the Report Information Agency is part of the Global Media Group.

Report Information Agency thanks all its readers, as well as government agencies, MPs, NGOs, lawyers, embassies, and experts who have been cooperating with the media over the past period, and wishes them success in their activities!

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