Journalists killed by anti-tank mine in Kalbajar - OFFICIAL

Today, the Media Development Agency, the Azerbaijan State News Agency, and Azerbaijan Television issued a joint statement on journalists killed by a landmine in Kalbajar.

According to Report, the statement reads:

"Camera crews of the Azerbaijan State News Agency (AZERTAC) and Azerbaijan Television (AzTV) operate in the liberated territories. This group films settlements destroyed by the Armenian armed forces in the liberated territories."

"On June 4, a vehicle carrying members of the camera crew hit an anti-tank mine on the road in the Susuzlug village of the Kalbajar region. As a result, AZERTAC correspondent Maharram Ibrahimov and AZTV operator Siraj Abishov were killed. Injuries are also reported.

"We ask God to have mercy on the dead, offer our deepest condolences to their families, and wish healing to those wounded."

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