Canadian portal publishes article condemning unfair decision of French Senate

The influential Canadian Jewish media platform published an article entitled 'France Should Apply Sanctions On Iran, Not Azerbaijan', Report informs.

An article written by Rachel Avraham, a well-known Israeli political scientist and journalist, founder and CEO of the Dona Gracia Center for Diplomacy, reads:

"The French Senate recently voted to impose sanctions on Azerbaijan by a vote of 295 to one. The resolution proposed sanctions on Baku over 'attacks' on Armenia and 'aggression against Karabakh.'

"Following these developments, Russian analyst Igor Korotchenko said that the French Senate should be renamed the French Armenian Diaspora Senate: 'Money does not smell. Apparently, each of those senators who voted for was guided by this thesis. As you know, in France, even ex-presidents work as consultants for Armenian billionaires. See the example of Sarkozy. He took bribes from Libya as president. What about Macron?'"

According to the article, Pastor Saeed Abedini, an Iranian Christian leader in the House Church Movement, stated:

"I am very disappointed about western policies regarding the human rights situation in Iran. Last year, in bloody street protests which turned into a revolution, more than 2,000 people were shot dead in the heart and head. They were mostly minors and virgin girls. More than 20,000 people have been arrested, including my cousins Mohammed and Nazarin, and all of them are enduring terrible physical, emotional and sexual torture. Some of them will have been executed by the time you have read this article. Others were raped for weeks on end. However, while the West verbally condemns this, they never take action."

The Israeli political scientist also noted: "I believe that the French Senate should have instead voted to apply more sanctions on Iran, a country that is building a nuclear program and routinely chants' death to America' and 'death to Israel,' not a country who greatly values pluralism, multiculturalism and women's rights, especially at a time when Europe needs a solution to gas shortages caused by the war in Ukraine and Azerbaijani gas and oil is a viable solution to this problem.

"Therefore, instead of going after a peaceful country like Azerbaijan, France should be devoting all of its efforts to going after the Islamic Republic of Iran. The world must stand united against the mullahs in Tehran and strengthen Azerbaijan and other countries who are standing on the frontlines against this horrible regime, not weaken them. Thus, this recent French resolution highlights how much the Armenian Diaspora is out of touch with France's national interests."

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