Azerbaijan University of Languages students visit Report Media School

A group of students from the Faculty of Journalism of the Azerbaijan University of Languages visited the Report Media School.

Participating in the meeting, the teacher of journalism at the Department of Azerbaijani Literature of the Azerbaijan University of Languages, Ph.D. in Philology, Aynura Pashayeva, emphasized the importance of newsmaking in modern journalism:

"The Report information agency is one of the most important news agencies in the country. Based on my experience in the Report Media School, I can say that there are many nuances that need to be studied."

The Report Media School coordinator, Ismayil Rafigoglu, said at the meeting with young journalists that the source of the news speaks of its trustworthiness in the first place:

“One cannot believe every piece of information, because many news reports on the Internet are fake. Report repeatedly verifies the authenticity of information."

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