Well-known American journalist strongly condemns Armenian vandalism 

“I saw behind the scenes of Armenia’s next game when I watched the story by BBC about the alleged destruction of their historic church by Azerbaijan in Jabrayil district,” well-known journalist Raul Lowery Contreras told Report’s US bureau.

“To tell the truth, as I closely follow the situation in the region, I would not be surprised if I hear that any issue related to the realities that I learned a few months later was presented by Armenians after being distorted. In the videos I saw, Armenians burned and destroyed their houses, belongings, and even forests before the arrival of the Azerbaijani servicemen. As can be seen from those footages, there is a building and then it disappeared. But the matter is about a building of a military base, not a church," said the American journalist.

According to him, the video from the destroyed Aghdam shows how Armenians destroyed Azerbaijan's historical monuments and settlements during the 30-year illegal occupation: “At the same time, the video also shows who may be responsible for crimes committed by Armenians. That video contains all acts of Armenians. They are blaming Azerbaijani servicemen for the disappearance of a building they destroyed. Although former Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan admitted that they killed 613 innocent people, including women, men, and children, and committed a series of crimes in Khojaly on February 26, 1992, he was not brought to responsibility. Strange as it may seem, some admit it, while many deny the crimes committed in Khojaly. Strange as it might seem, some admit it, while many deny the crimes in Khojaly."

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