Turkish-Russian monitoring center: No ceasefire violations recorded

The Turkish-Russian joint center for monitoring the ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh continues operation, Colonel of the Turkish Armed Forces Ali Karakas said, Report informs referring to the Turkish Defense Ministry.

He was talking about the activities of the Turkish-Russian joint monitoring center, located in Azerbaijan's Aghdam district.

He said that the main task is to put an end to the armed confrontation in the region, to monitor the observance of the ceasefire regime.

‘The center collects information about whether the ceasefire has been violated. Information from drones and other sources is recorded. After that, an investigation is carried out and measures are taken to prevent violations of the ceasefire regime,’ he said.

In turn, Colonel of the Russian army Mikhail Zavalkin said that surveillance is being conducted with the help of drones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

‘To date, we haven’t recorded any violations,' he said.

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