They wanted us, Azerbaijanis, to come to terms with this situation: Ilham Aliyev

"As you know, the process of negotiations lasted for about 30 years, but to no avail," President Ilham Aliyev said at the official opening of the Vagif Poetry Days, organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the native city of the poet for the first time after the liberation of Shusha from occupation, Report informs, referring to AZERTAC.

"The progress of events, the second Karabakh war, and the actions of international forces show that this issue could never be resolved through negotiations. Because they wanted us, the Azerbaijanis, to come to terms with this situation. They tried to portray this situation, i.e., the frozen conflict, as a no-alternative option. We had a completely different opinion, and I never hid that. I said that if the issue was not resolved peacefully, we would restore our territorial integrity through war. All norms and principles of international law recognize this right. The UN Charter, UN Security Council resolutions, and historical justice gave us this right. And we achieved this," the head of state noted.

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