Tase: US must place South Caucasus region in its list of priorities

US Secretary Antony Blinken must change course before it is too late and place the South Caucasus region in his shortlist of priorities in order to secure a better geopolitical position in the region and strengthen the bilateral cooperation between the US and Azerbaijan, US political scientist, an expert in the field of international relations Peter Tase told Report.

Only two days ago, June 25, Secretary Blinken met with his French counterpart, Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian with whom the situation in the South Caucasus was not discussed, Tase noted.

“In the course of his meetings with Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, the South Caucasus security evolution and new reality in the ground - with Azerbaijan recovering, liberating its entire sovereign territory from Armenian despotic armed Forces - was never mentioned let alone development of transatlantic commercial projects that would benefit the Near East and this part of Europe were Azerbaijan and Georgia are key actors,” he added.

Without close cooperation with Azerbaijan the highly acclaimed Transatlantic projects and economic dialogue shaped by Washington will remain only on the drawing board, Tase said.

“The geostrategy of Washington in Europe will be incomplete for as long as Armenia has been given political-economic privileges and reality in the ground is not read accurately and objectively; silence is not the answer. Washington must pressure the Armenian regime to make public all maps available that identify the precise location of anti-tank mines and anti-personnel mines implanted by Armenian Armed Forces inside the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan,” he added.

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