Tase: Armenia’s actions must be condemned by all international judicial structures

The International Court of Justice has taken the right course of action in holding Armenia responsible for all acts of discrimination and violence rooted on ethnic background and cultural heritage held against Azerbaijan, US political scientist and expert in international relations Peter Tase told Report.

“Armenian authorities must be held accountable for all the atrocities committed inside the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan and must be pressured to return all looted treasures and riches that were stolen from the people of Azerbaijan in the course of the last three decades,” he said.

He noted that Armenia has ruthlessly violated the principles of International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and was deeply involved in orchestrating ethnic cleansing against the nation of Azerbaijan for over three decades.

“Racial discrimination in Armenia is rampant and public policies have poor results due to high level of corruption in the country. The International Court of Justice has taken the right course of action in holding Armenia responsible for all acts of discrimination and violence rooted on ethnic background and cultural heritage,” the expert said.

Tase noted that it is abhorrent the attitude and behavior of Armenian officials, who are always cruel towards the democratic values and human rights, whose dissemination of hate speech and terrorist actions against Azerbaijan’s population must be energetically condemned by international organizations and European judicial structures.

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