State Committee: 3,890 went missing in the First Karabakh War

According to the information of Azerbaijan's State Commission for Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons as of August 1, 2021, 3,890 persons were registered as missing in the First Karabakh War as a result of the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, Report informs, citing the State Committee.

By the information, 3,171 of them were servicemen, while 719 were civilians: "71 of the civilians are underage children, 267 - women, and 326 - old people."

According to the investigation, 2 - 7 members of 52 families went missing in the First Karabakh War: "Of the total number of missing, 872 people, including 29 children, 98 women, and 112 old people, were taken hostage or left in the occupied territories.

"Armenia still hides the fact of detention of these people from international organizations and does not provide information about their fate."

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