Russian expert: Enmity with Azerbaijan hits Armenian people with boomerang

The Armenian side needs to move forward, address economic issues, interact with neighboring Azerbaijan, and not be in constant confrontation. All closed corridors, conflicts and enmity with Baku, first of all, hit the Armenian people with a boomerang," Alexander Perendzhiev, associate professor of the Department of Political Science and Sociology at the Plekhanov Russian Economic University (REU), member of the Russian Officers expert council told Report's Russian bureau.

The expert expressed hope for an early meeting of the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia: "In this direction, decisions should be made on the demarcation of state borders and the signing of an agreement on unblocking all corridors, including the Zangazur Corridor.

"If peace is ensured and the state border is established, then in the future, Armenians and Azerbaijanis will be able to visit each other," the expert concluded.

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