Russian expert: Armenia should reckon with realities, return occupied territories to Azerbaijan

Moscow. 22 February. REPORT.AZ/ "The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, as a Supreme Commander, succeeded in strengthening the army in all directions and equipping it with modern weapons. Today, the Azerbaijani army is among the world's strongest armies," editor-in-chief of the "National Defense" magazine Igor Korotchenko told Report's Russian bureau.

In his opinion, Azerbaijan attaches special importance to building up and development of military potential: "Russia intends to fulfill all the wishes of Azerbaijan in this direction."

I. Korotchenko stressed that there is a high-level relationship between the presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia Ilham Aliyev and Vladimir Putin based on mutual respect and reverence: "Such relations can only give an impetus to military cooperation."

He said that military cooperation between the two countries is at a high level.

The military expert noted that Armenia occupied Azerbaijani lands: "Given the fact that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict can flare up at any time, we can say that official Baku attaches particular importance to military cooperation with Russia. However, at the same time, I hope for a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. "

"Armenia should understand and see the realities. Legally, these are Azerbaijani lands. In order to follow this scenario, there must be a healthy mindset in Armenia,"  Korotchenko stressed.

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