Russian expert: Armenia had to sign trilateral statement

Azerbaijan expelled the occupiers from its lands and immediately began to restore the infrastructure of the liberated territories, an expert on interethnic conflicts, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia Yevgeny Mikhailov told Report.

He said that Armenia, which suffered a heavy defeat on the battlefield, had to sign a trilateral statement dated November 10, 2020: “Armenia, understanding Baku’s determination, signed a statement under the guarantees of Russia on pain of complete destruction. Later, when the fear was gone, it began to completely withdraw from the fulfillment of commitments imposed by the terms of the agreement.”

Mikhailov reminded that during the year Yerevan regularly provoked Baku, undermining all of Moscow’s efforts to finally achieve peace in the region. “When one side is fully ready to sign a peace treaty after the delimitation and demarcation of borders, and the other side tries to find another guarantor in parallel, then in such a situation it is necessary to take tougher measures to force the signing of a peace,” the expert believes, noting that this will happen soon.

The political scientist noted the high turbulence of the political situation in Yerevan. “Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan nevertheless expresses a desire to fulfill all the points of the November agreements of 2020, while President Sarkissian organizes anti-Russian sentiments and rejection of peace on the part of the population of the republic,” Mikhailov added.

He expressed the hope that Pashinyan and his supporters will nevertheless lead their country to peaceful coexistence with Azerbaijan.

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