President: “The whole world accepts results of the second Karabakh war”

The whole world has accepted the results of the second Karabakh war,” Report informs that President Aliyev said this in his address to the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of December 31 - the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis, and the New Year.

The president said:

“The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is an international organization that traditionally supports the rightful position of Azerbaijan. This year, we have felt this support, and I appreciate the work of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for accepting the consequences of the war.

“At the same time, I had successful visits to NATO and the European Union in December. During the summits, NATO consistently adopted resolutions supporting Azerbaijan's sovereignty and territorial integrity. These resolutions were adopted by nine summits. This support was expressed again this time. The final document adopted at the end of the EU Eastern Partnership Summit once again supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of countries.

“In other words, the whole world accepts the results of the second Karabakh war. I think that the post-war processes have once again proved to the whole world that we are right. This is very important. Because baseless accusations were voiced against us during the second Karabakh war. None of those unfounded allegations have been substantiated, and the post-war period has shown this again. Therefore, I think that accepting the realities of the war, the post-war realities, can be viewed as a very important event from a political point of view.”

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