President of Azerbaijan: We are in Shusha today, and from now on, we will live in Shusha forever

"During the occupation, many of us – both former IDPs and the entire Azerbaijani people, including myself – repeatedly thought that there is no justice in the world. Because if there were justice, we would not be in this situation. I was of the same opinion. But life has shown that there is justice. You just have to be patient, you have to be patient, you have to believe in justice, and you have to work to achieve justice; you have to move towards the goal. Self-sacrifice is needed to restore justice. Today we can all say openly and deep inside that there is justice, justice has been restored, we are in Shusha today, and from now on, we will live in Shusha forever," President Ilham Aliyev said at the official opening ceremony of the Vagif Poetry Days reorganized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the native city of the poet for the first time after the liberation of Shusha from occupation, Report informs, citing AzerTag.

"While giving the good news of Shusha to the people of Azerbaijan on 8 November, I said that Shusha is already free; this is the truth. We are gathered in a free Shusha. I said that we have returned to Shusha. This is also true. Festivals, poetry days, cultural, and many other events are already being held and will continue to be held. I said that we would revive Shusha. This is happening because we are reviving Shusha. Long live Shusha! Long live Karabakh! Long live Azerbaijan!" he said.

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