President of Azerbaijan explains reason for ceasefire not working

"I think one of the reasons why these ceasefires didn't work was the attempt of Armenia to regain back the territories which have been already liberated by us. In other words, they wanted to occupy them again," President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said in an interview with Spanish news agency EFE on November 4.

"Therefore, they tried to use the truce, which, as you correctly mentioned, was announced on humanitarian grounds, to mobilize their resources and launch a new attack. And when they failed to do it, they launched a ballistic missile attack from Armenia's territory on the second largest city of Azerbaijan, Ganja. They did it twice. But the first time on October 10, right after the truce was declared. And that caused the killings of almost ten civilians, and ten people have been wounded. So, they brutally violated the first ceasefire. The second ceasefire also was violated by them about five minutes after the announced time. And the third one they violated by attacking the peaceful city of Barda, where 21 civilians were killed and 70 wounded. So, all three times, it was Armenian deliberate, aggressive attack on us, and we had to respond, we had to defend ourselves.," the head of state emphasized.

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