President: Azerbaijan supports territorial integrity of Ukraine

"Based on our experience, the most important is to never agree to occupation," President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev told a meeting with participants of the international conference "South Caucasus: Development and Cooperation,' answering the question about the advice he has for Ukraine, based on Azerbaijan's experience, according to Report.

The President noted that during the occupation, there were attempts to advise Azerbaijan that 'we need to consider the issue related to Azerbaijan's territorial integrity': "I was always saying 'no.' I was saying that never Azerbaijan, myself and the people of Azerbaijan will agree to create another Armenian fake state on our territory."

"First, based on our experience, is to never agree on the violation of territorial integrity in any case. Secondly, what lesson I have learned is to rely on your resources. Thirdly, do not rely on international organizations' decisions and resolutions. They do not have any value," the head of state said.

The President added that Azerbaijan supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine and all other countries.

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