OSCE Chairperson-in-Office makes statement following visit to Azerbaijan

"The visit allowed me to discuss the priorities of Sweden's chairmanship in the OSCE. We support the OSCE's core missions to protect Europe's security rules, support the organization's unique concept of comprehensive security, and focus on conflict resolution. The OSCE has a serious mandate to help resolve conflicts, and I fully support participation in the Minsk process."

The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde expressed these views in a statement on the results of her visit to Azerbaijan.

Linde noted the value of advancing the "Women, Peace and Security" agenda and the need to respect OSCE principles and international law, including international humanitarian law and human rights. Linde also stressed the importance of full implementation of the statement signed between the leaders of Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia on November 10 last year.

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