OIC condemns Armenia's provocation against Azerbaijan

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has denounced Armenia's next military aggression against Azerbaijan and called on the two countries to politically resolve the conflict, Report informs, referring to Anadolu agency.

"The OIC once again expresses its solidarity with the Republic of Azerbaijan and strongly condemns the provocations and aggression of the Armenian armed forces," the ECO said in a statement.

The organization stressed the need to implement relevant UN resolutions on Nagorno-Karabakh.

According to the document, the OIC is deeply concerned about Armenia's aggression against the settlements, which violated the ceasefire and resulted in casualties among the civilian population.

The organization called on Armenia to withdraw its troops from Azerbaijan.

The OIC Secretariat General expressed condolences to the families of those killed in the Armenian aggression, as well as to the government and people of Azerbaijan, and wished the wounded a speedy recovery.

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