NGOs of Azerbaijan appeal to UN demanding to stop terrorist state of Armenia

The NGOs of Azerbaijan appealed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres demanding to stop and punish the terrorist state of Armenia.

Report presents the text of the published letter:

"We would like to inform you that at around 01 AM on October 17, Armenia once again attacked Ganja, the second largest city of Azerbaijan, firing a SCUD / Elbrus ballistic missile on the densely populated block of the city, killing 13 people and injuring more than 40. Among the dead and injured were the children, women and the elderly people.

This is the third time in the last two weeks that the city of Ganja has come under heavy rocket fire of Armenia, and so far 27 civilians have been killed and more than 100 injured.

The bombing of the Ganja, the city with a population of more than 500,000 people situated far from the conflict zone, without any military necessity by the Armenian political-military leadership, the deliberate and indiscriminate use of powerful destructive missiles such as SCUDs to kill innocent civilians will be included in the history books as the bloodiest war crime coomitted against humanity in the XXI century.

It is not only this act of savagery, barbarism and terrorism committed by Armenia in the eyes of the whole world that worries and deeply concerns the Azerbaijani public, it is also seriously infuriated and disturbed by the silence about the human tragedy, genocide and war crimes committed in Ganja of the UN Security Council, which must stop and punish the aggressors around the globe and was established for this purpose by the world community.

It is clear to everyone that the order to hold deliberate and mass massacre of the civilian population of Ganja was given personally by the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and the Minister of Defense David Tonoyan, and this order was carried out immediately. According to the UN Charter, international law and international humanitarian law, at least Pashinyan and Tonoyan, who issued the order, and other military personnel who carried out this order should be declared the war criminals and the UN Security Council procedures should be applied to arrest and punish them immediately.

This time, if the UN Security Council again remains silent about the crime committed by Armenia, it will mean the full protection of Armenia, the aggressor and murderer of the children, as well as the justification and complicity in the international crimes committed by it. And history will not forgive anyone for this.

Therefore, we, the Azerbaijani NGOs that signed this appeal, urge the UN Security Council to urgently convene and strongly condemn Armenia's crimes against humanity and use its mandate to take appropriate steps to deservedly punish the Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Defense Minister David Tonoyan who ordered to bomb the Ganja city, killing a large number of civilians.

Signed by:

  1. Ms. Sureyya Mammadova – Head of the “Actor” Public and Social Research Public Union
  2. Mr. Sahib Mammadov - Citizens' Labor Rights Protection League;
  3. Mr. Sabit Baghirov – Head of the Foundation for Support to Entrepreneurship and Market Economy Development;
  4. Ms. Asmaye Javadova – Head of the “Vafa” Women Intellectuals Public Union;
  5. Mr. Samyar Abdullayev – Head of the “Visually Impaired People Society of Azerbaijan” Public Union;
  6. Ms. Naiba Behbudova – Head of the “Ghurur” Charitable Public Association of Martyrs Families;
  7. Ms. Zeynab Hajiyeva – Head of the “Chirag” Child Development Center Public Union;
  8. Ms. Parvana Talibova – Head of the Free Teachers' Organization Public Union;
  9. Mr. Famil Hajiyev – Head of the Disabled Intellectuals Public Union;
  10. Ms. Tarana Pashayeva – Head of the Psychological Services and Research Center Public Union;
  11. Mr. Gasim Hasanov – Head of the Support to Social Development Public Union;
  12. Ms. Zenfira Mustafayeva – Head of the Women's Initiatives and Social Issues Assistance Public Union;
  13. Ms. Shehla Khalili – Head of the “Miras” Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage;
  14. Ms. Jamila Abdulova – Head of the Social Assistance to Persons with Hearing and Speech Limitations Public Union;
  15. Mr. Vagif Amikishiyev – Head of the “Youth and Enlightenment” Public Union;
  16. Mr. Afig Mammadov – Head of the “Addım” Youth Development Center ;
  17. Mr. Nabil Seyidov – Head of the “Hopeful Future” Public Union;
  18. Mr. Javid Shahverdiyev – Head of the Azerbaijan Center for the Development of Democratic Reforms;
  19. Mr. Hafiz Azammadov – Head of the Azerbaijan Young Marketers-Advertisers Public Union;
  20. Mr. Gafgaz Damirov – Head of the Gubadli district Literary Public Union named after Suleyman Rahimov;
  21. Mr. Hasan Hasanzada – Head of the AEGEE Baku;
  22. Mr. Sultan Azimzade – Head of the “20 January” Public Union;
  23. Ms. Mehriban Abdullayeva – Head of the “Protection of Democratic Society and Women’s Rights” Public Union;
  24. Ms. Fatima Hajibayli – Head of the “Vefa” Support for Solving Social Problems Public Union;
  25. Mr. Javidan Aghazade – Head of the “Dostlug” Youth Coordination Center Public Union;
  26. Mr. Tofig Aghahuseynov – Head of the Organization for War, Labor and Armed Forces Veterans’ of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Republican Veterans’ Organization;
  27. Ms. Jamila Karimova – Head of the “Assistance to Children in Need of Special Care and their Families” Public Union;
  28. Ms. Aida Safarova – Head of the “Silent World” Support for Disabled People and Athletes Using Sign Language Public Union;
  29. Mr. Amid Hasanguliyev – Head of the Azerbaijan Support for Disabled Cyclists Public Union;
  30. Mr. Rovshan Agamaliyev – Head of the “Assistance to the Families of Martyrs and Protection of their Rights” Public Union ;
  31. Ms. Sudaba Shiraliyeva – Head of the “Women and Modern World” Center Public Union;
  32. Mr. Ismayil Aghayev – Head of the International Diaspora Center Public Union;
  33. Ms. Ziba Nabiyeva – Head of the “Women's Initiative for Development” Public Union;
  34. Mr. Sabuhi Abbasov – Head of the Azerbaijani-Slavic Youth Association Public Union;
  35. Mr. Mohubbali Naghiyev – Head of the “Balance” Economic Awareness Public Union;
  36. Mr. Ramil Goyushov – Head of the West-Resource Civil Society Development Support Public Union;
  37. Ms. Mehriban Zeynalova – Head of the “Clean World” Aid to Women Public Union
  38. Mr. Salim Balayev – Head of the Public Union of Ecological Enlightenment "Ecolog-2010"
  39. Mr. Abil Zeynalov – Head of the “Support to IDP War Veterans” Public Union
  40. Ms. Nigar Mansimova – Head of the “Place of Hope” Charitable Society Public Union
  41. Mr. Bakhtiyar Aliyev – Head of the International Law Association Public Union
  42. Ms. Matanat Guliyeva – Head of the “Free Thought” Social Development Assistance Public Union
  43. Ms. Gulghadam Mirzazade – Head of the Public Association for Support of Women's Social Development in Neftchala
  44. Mr. Nadir Ismayilov – Head of the Chairman of the Central Asia and South Caucasus Freedom of Expression Network Public Union
  45. Mr. Elchin Guliyev – Head of the Healthy Life Promotion Public Union
  46. Mr. Yashar Zeynalov – Head of the Broadcasting Association Public Union
  47. Mr. Natig Ahmadov – Head of the “Kind Mother” Childcare Public Union
  48. Mr. Agil Maharramov – Head of the Azerbaijan Children’s Fund Public Union
  49. Mr. Mahammad Valiyev – Head of the Azerbaijan Afghan Veterans' Public Union
  50. Ms. Shahla Nagiyeva – Head of the “Unquenchable Flame” Cultural Relations Public Union
  51. Ms. Afat Alishova – Head of the “Support to the Development of Book Distribution” Public Union
  52. Mr. Fazil Abbasov – Head of the Journalists' Association of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
  53. Ms. Gulsara Hasanova – Head of the Education Support Center Public Union
  54. Ms. Bullur Mammadova – Head of the Promotion of Culture and National Traditions Public Union
  55. Mr. Nail Shukurov – Head of the “Ufug” PUBLIC UNION for the Youth Development
  56. Mr. Gulabala Mustafayev – Head of the Support for Scientific Creativity Public Union
  57. Ms. Bahar Gasimova – Head of the “Azerbaijan Women’s Republican Society” Public Union
  58. Ms. Gunel Murselli – Head of the “Support for the Promotion of Secularism and Enlightenment Public Union
  59. Mr. Khalid Kazimov – Head of the Regional Human Rights and Media Center Public Union
  60. Mr. Elchin Mirzabayli – Head of the Baku Oratory School Public Union
  61. Mr. Mursal Behbudlu – Head of the “Mil” PUBLIC UNION for social and economic enlightenment
  62. Ms. Shargiya Dadashova – Head of the Regional Gender Center Public Union
  63. Mr. Faig Ismayilov – Head of the Public Union for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments in the Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan
  64. Ms. Tarana Musayeva – Head of the Yasamal District Organization of AZERBAIJAN Society of Disabled Public Union
  65. Mr. Elvin Talishinski – Head of the Public Union “Elin Sesi” Protection of National and Spiritual Values
  66. Mr. Azer Aliyev – Head of the “Care for Future” Public Union
  67. Ms. Lamiya Isazade – Head of the Social Protection of Orphans Public Union
  68. Ms. Vefa Seyidova – Head of the “Meslek” care for Children with Mental and Physical Issues Public Union
  69. Ms. Natavan Sahibali – Head of the Public Association for Support of Women's Social Development in Bilasuvar
  70. Mr. Ilgar Isgandarov – Head of the “Towards Development” Public Union for Promotion of the Regional Socio-Economic Development
  71. Mr. Shaban Nasirov – Head of the “Support to Public Participation” Public Union
  72. Mr. Rashad Jafarov – Head of the “Towards Innovations” Youth Support Public Union
  73. Ms. Indira Shamsivari – Head of the “Progress” Socio-Economic Research Public Union
  74. Ms. Sabina Karimova – Head of the Public Association for Support of Social Protection and Integration of Persons with Disabilities
  75. Mr. Adil Nasibov – Head of the Promotion of Bahram Nasibov's Works Public Union
  76. Ms. Gulbahar Aliyeva – Head of the “Cultural Heritage and Multicultural Development" Enlightenment Public Union
  77. Mr. Ilham Aliyev – Head of the Center for Legal and Democratic Reforms Public Union
  78. Ms. Mehriban Huseynova – Head of the Support for Children Deprived of Parental Care Public Union
  79. Ms. Esmira Orujova – Head of the “THE WAY OF MELANCHOLY” The Public Association of the help to prisoners of war and hostages
  80. Mr. Eynulla Kheyrullayev – Head of the Guba Regional NGO Resource and Training Center
  81. Mr. Murad Huseynli – Head of the “Tekan” Student Youth Public Union
  82. Mr. Rauf Rajabov – Head of the Azerbaijan National Development Project Public Union
  83. Mr. Siyavush Amirli – Head of the “Ulus” Foundation
  84. Mr. Mukhtar Imanov – Head of the Folklorists Public Union
  85. Ms. Aynur Aliyeva – Head of the “Regional Development Awareness-raising” Public Union
  86. Mr. Avaz Hasanov - Humanitarian Research Public Union;
  87. Mr. Nasimi Hasanov – Head of the Patriotic Azerbaijanis of the World Public Union
  88. Ms. Tarana Ahmad – Head of the Public Union for social and moral support of children from orphans and low-income families
  89. Mr. Sadig Hasanov – Head of the “Towards Healthy Life” Public Union
  90. Mr. Chingiz Bayramov – Head of the “Turkey Universities Alumni” Public Union
  91. Mr. Nasiman Yagublu – Head of the Support for History and Press Studies Public Union
  92. Mr. Teymur Mirzayev – Head of the Regional Community Development and Poverty Reduction Support Public Union
  93. Mr. Ilham Ismayilov – Head of the Cooperation Center of Azerbaijanis and other Turkic-speaking peoples Public Union
  94. Mr. Nizami Muradoghlu – Head of the “Araz” Intellectuals Public Union
  95. Mr. Mubariz Goyushlu – Head of the Modern Development Public Union
  96. Mr. Taleh Aliyev – Head of the Support to Promotion of Civic Participation Public Union
  97. Ms. Esmira Fuad – Head of the Book Foundation named after Mirza Ibrahimov
  98. Ms. Aynura Huseynova – Head of the Youth Initiative in the Field of Anti-Drug
  99. Mr. Fuzuli Karimov – Head of the Awareness for Civil Society Public Union
  100. Mr. Famil Gozalov – Head of the Specialists’ Support for Public Awareness Public Union
  101. Ms. Rada Abbas – Head of the Social Assistance to Women War Veterans
  102. Mr. Hasil Tagiyev – Head of the “Gayidish” Public Union
  103. Mr. Ayaz Mirzayev – Head of the Azerbaijan Journalists Network Public Union
  104. Ms. Tahira Nagiyeva – Head of the “Loghman” Refugee Support Center Public Union
  105. Ms. Konul Mukhtarova – Head of the Protection of National Values Public Union
  106. Ms. Bayimkhanim Verdiyeva – Head of the Khan Shushinski Foundation
  107. Ms. Nisa Gasimova – Head of the “Cultural Wave” Public Union for Promotion of Creativity
  108. Ms. Kubra Mammadova – Head of the Regional Women’s Initiatives Public Union
  109. Mr. Rafael Bejanov – Head of the Human Rights and Enlightenment Public Union
  110. Mr. Dayanat Osmanli – Head of the “Turkic World Info” Public Union
  111. Mr. Shahin Rajabov – Head of the “Azerbaijan Parent-Teacher Association” Public Union
  112. Mr. Adil Adilov – Head of the Regional Development Assistance Public Union
  113. Mr. Ragif Aliyev – Head of the Saatli Social Development Assistance Public Union
  114. Ms. Khadija Mikayilova – Head of the Azerbaijan Disabled People's Society Public Union
  115. Ms. Khuraman Agayeva – Head of the Psychological Rehabilitation of Sociological Groups Public Union
  116. Mr. Hajiahmad Hasanov – Head of the “Faig” Public Union of Agricultural Producers
  117. Mr. Rustam Malikov – Head of the “Ana Kur” PUBLIC UNION for Support to Environmental Issues Studies
  118. Ms. Fatimat Aghamirzayeva – Head of the “Carpet World Association” Public Union
  119. Mr. Farhad Abdulov – Member of the Support for Children and Teenagers Public Union
  120. Mr. Elshan Musayev – Head of the “Innovative Ideas and Initiatives” Public Union
  121. Mr. Nurlan Jabbarov – Head of the “Etimad” Psychological Support to Children and Youth Public Union
  122. Mr. Vasif Sadigli – Head of the Religion and Democracy Center Public Union
  123. Ms. Nubar Aliyeva – Head of the Support to Young Musicians Public Union
  124. Mr. Ilaha Mahmudova – Head of the “Ziyali Ojagi” Public Union
  125. Ms. Khanim Ahmadzade – Head of the Lawyer Women Public Union
  126. Mr. Ruslan Khalilov – Head of the Promotion of Journalist Initiatives Public Union
  127. Mr.Tofig Amrahov – Head of the Shabran Community Development Training and Resource Public Union
  128. Mr. Famil Bakhishov – Head of the Support to Khachmaz Agricultural Development Public Union
  129. Ms.Sevinj Karimova – Head of the “Əks-səda” International Center for Journalistic Research Public Union
  130. Mr. Ilkin Aghayev - Head of the the Integration into a Globalized World Public Union
  131. Mr. Haji Narimanoghlu – Head of the Zangazur Societies Public Union
  132. Mr. Gnyaz Yusifov – Head of the Social Support for Families Public Union
  133. Mr. Jasarat Huseynzade – Head of the Support to Information Initiatives Public Union
  134. Mr. Hasan Mammadov – Head of the “Shamsi Asadullayev” Charity Public Union
  135. Mr. Ruslan Atakishiyev – Head of the Study of Economic Resources Public Union
  136. Ms. Vafa Khalilli – Head of the Youth Support Public Union
  137. Ms. Vusala Huseynova – Head of the Reformist Women and Innovations Public Union
  138. Mr. Murad Garibli – Head of the Healthy Life Youth Enlightenment Public Union
  139. Mr. Fikrat Khalilov – Head of the Combating Infectious Diseases Public Union
  140. Mr. Dadash Guliyev – Head of the Defense of the Rights of Patriots Public Union
  141. Ms. Gulshax Akhundova – Head of the Women Development Future Public Union
  142. Mr. Elmar Huseynov – Head of the Support for compatriots Public Union
  143. Ms. Roza Aligizi – Head of the “Soldier's Family Society” Public Union for the Propagation of Patriotism
  144. Mr. Mehman Aliyev - Head of the Support for the Development of Modern Youth Public Union
  145. Mr. Vugar Ahmadov – Head of the Azerbaijani-American Youth Public Union
  146. Mr. Ilgar Orujov – Head of the “Azerbaijan Society of Young Scientists, Postgraduates and Masters” Public Union
  147. Mr. Javad Gasimov – Head of the Talented People with Disabilities Public Union
  148. Mr. Fikrat Yusifov – Head of the “Economics” International Economic Research Association
  149. Ms. Novella Jafarova – Head of the Association for the Protection of Women's Rights named after Dilara Aliyeva
  150. Mr. Vugar Bayramov – “Center for Economic and Social Development” Public Union;
  151. Mr. Chingiz Ganizade - “Democracy and Human Rights Committee”;
  152. Mr. Maharram Zulfugarli - Association for the Research of Social Problems;
  153. Mr. Kamil Salimov - Prison Watch Public Association;
  154. Mr. Fuad Mammadov – “Simurg” Azerbaijan Cultural Association;
  155. Mr. Eyyub Huseynov – Independent Consumer Union;
  156. Ms. Tanzila Rustamkhanli – “Azeri-Turk” Women’s Union;
  157. Ms. Mirvari Gahramanova - Oil Workers Rights Protection Public Union;
  158. Mr. Shamistan Alizamanli - “Support for the Promotion of Patriotism” Public Union;
  159. Mr. Akif Naghi - Karabakh Liberation Organization;
  160. Mr. Osman Gunduz - “Multimedia” Information Systems and Technologies Center;
  161. Mr. Mayis Aliyev - "Investigation of Social Rights" Public Union;
  162. Ms. Irada Rizazade - Public Association “Social Welfare for the Citizens”;
  163. Ms. Bahar Gasimova - Republican Women's Society;
  164. Ms. Malahat Ibrahimgizi - "Leader Women" Public Union;
  165. Mr. Fuzuli Rzaguliyev - Public Union of the Azerbaijani Veterans of the Patriotic War;
  166. Mr. Mehdi Mehdiyev – “Karabakh war disabled, veterans and families of martyrs" Public Union;
  167. Mr. Umud Mirzayev – International Eurasia Press Fund;
  168. Mr. Azer Alekberov – Head of the Baku School of Human Rights Public Union
  169. Mr. Mahammad Aliyev – Head of the “Garabagh” Agricultural Development Support Public Union
  170. Mr. Tural Guliyev – Head of the “Addım” Youth Initiative Support Public Union
  171. Ms. Naila Ismayilova – Head of the “Yeni Heyat” Humanitarian and Social Support Public Union
  172. Ms. Atraba Mammadova – Head of the Support to War-Affected Families Public Union
  173. Mr. Telman Dadashov – Head of the “Tereqqi” Social Development Public Union
  174. Ms. Basti Nasibova – Head of the “Geleceye Bakhısh” European Integration Public Union
  175. Ms. Sevinj Alizadeh – Head of the "Zafar" Support to the Families of Martyrs Public Union
  176. Ms. Firuza Babayeva – Head of the Society for International Cooperation of Persons with Disabilities Public Union
  177. Ms. Shakarkhanim Aliyeva – Head of the "Gender Equality” Public Union
  178. Ms. Gulnara Salimova – Head of the “GULSAM” Rehabilitation Centre of Disabled People Public Union
  179. Ms. Irada Hasanova – Head of the “SEMA VE EKO” Assistance to Social and Economic Development Public Union
  180. Mr. Mahsim Mahsimov – Head of the Support to the Development of Regional Media Public Union
  181. Mr. Raji Safarov – Head of the “Tereggi” Youth Development Public Union
  182. Ms. Mammadova Azade – Head of the
  183. Mr. Vusal Mirzayev – Head of the "Assistance to Local Government" Public Union
  184. Ms. Metanet Zeynalova – Head of the Our city “Sumgayit” Social Development Center Public Union
  185. Mr. Davud Rahimli – Head of the Union of Disabled Persons Organizations
  186. Ms. Khalide Mete – Head of the “Ganjafilm” Public Union for the Development of Cinematography
  187. Ms. Elmira Mehdiyeva – Head of the “Yeni Fikir” JHIB Public Union
  188. Mr. Afig Malikov – Head of the “Maarifperverlik” Public Association of Azerbaijani Youth Social Assistance
  189. Mr. Ramin Mahmudov – Head of the “Yurd” Public Union for Support of Intellectual Development of Youth
  190. Mr. Shahin Qadirov – Head of the “Zirve” Public Association of Culture and Art
  191. Mr. Yadigar Mammadli – Head of the Public Union "Azerbaijan Democratic Journalists League"
  192. Ms. Zarifa Asgerova _ Head of the Public Union of Families of Martyrs and National Heroes for the Motherland of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  193. Mr. Anar Khalilov – Head of the “Healthy development and Awareness” Public Union
  194. Ms. Maleyka Alizade – Head of the Ganja Regional Women's Center Public Union
  195. Ilgar Gasimov – Head of the Legal Aid Public Union
  196. Ms. Konul Aghayev - Head of the Digital Development Public Union
  197. Ms. Lyudmila Khalilova – Head of the Women for Development of Municipalities Association
  198. Ms. Leyli Guliyeva – Head of the Globalized Azerbaijan Civil Development Center Public Union
  199. Mr. Namig Rzayev – Head of the “Ekomed” Public Union
  200. Mr. Teymur Valiyev – Head of the Public Union for Social and Economic Reform Support
  201. Ms. Rahila Mehtiyeva – Head of the "Socio-Economic and Environmental Development" Public Union
  202. Ms. Gasim Khasmammadli – Head of the European Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends
  203. Mr. Nasrulla Nurullayev – Head of the Care for the Elderly Intellectuals Public Union
  204. Mr. Jalal Amanov – Head of the “Progress” Social Reserch Public Union
  205. Ms. Yegane Imanova – Head of the Azerbaijan Diabetes League
  206. Ms. Mansure Rasulzadeh – Head of the Civil Society "Alliance" for the Protection of Biodiversity
  207. Mr. Farrukh Asgarov – Head of the Assistance to Sustainable Development of Society Public Union
  208. Mr. Samir Adigozelli – Head of the Center for Socio-Political International Studies Public Union
  209. Ms. Marhamat Asgarova – Head of the Public Union for Democratic Reforms and Law
  210. Ms. Gulzar Ibrahimova – Head of the Public Union of Military Surgeons
  211. Mr. Zulfugar Alasgarov – Head of the International Liberal Enlightenment Center
  212. Mr. Ali Mirzayev – Head of the Healthy Environment Public Union
  213. Ms. Fargana Aliyeva – Head of the Socio-Economic Research Public Union
  214. Ms. Himayet Rizvangizi – Head of the Patron Humanitarian Progress Public Union
  215. Ms. Irada Aliyeva – Head of the Public Association for the Development of Vocational Education
  216. Ms. Leyla Huseynova – Head of the Social Welfare Public Association of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons
  217. Mr. Mayis Aliyev – Head of the Public Union for the Study of Social Rights
  218. Mr. Sayavush Gasimov – Head of the Support of Innovations and Development Public Union
  219. Mr. Ali Jafarov – Head of the Public Union for the Promotion of Democracy and National Values
  220. Mr. Intigam Yashar – Head of the World Union of Young Turkish Writers
  221. Mr. Chingiz Ganizadeh – Head of the Democracy Human Rights Committee Public Union
  222. Ms. Saltanat Gojamanli – Head of the “Public Union for the Protection of Human Rights and Law Order”
  223. Ms. Saadat Bananyarli – Head of the Azerbaijan National Section of International Society for Human Rights Public Union
  224. Ms. Kubra Babayeva – Head of the Azerbaijan Enlightener Kind Ladies Public Union
  225. Ms. Gulnara Shabiyeva – Head of the “Family” Social Research Public Union
  226. Ms. Rena Mirzazade – Head of the Gender and Human Rights Research Public Union
  227. Mr. Ramil Iskandarli – Head of the Legal Analysis and Research Public Union
  228. Ms. Solmaz Aliyeva – Head of the “Young Accountants” Union
  229. Mr. Ayaz Mammadov – Head of the Azerbaijan New Generation Lawyers Association Public Union
  230. Mr. Faik Khudayev – Head of the Young Agrarian Scientists and Specialists Support Public Union
  231. Mr. Suleyman Gasimon – Head of the Cultural Development and Dialogue Public Union
  232. Mr. Yagub Babayev – Head of the “Turan” Civil Society Assistance Public Union
  233. Ms. Nushaba Mammadova – Head of the International Dialogue and Development Alliance Public Union
  234. Mr. Fuad Huseynzade – Head of the Journalists' Support for Diaspora Activities Public Union
  235. Mr. Mirali Huseynov – Head of the Public Association for the Study of Democracy
  236. Ms. Lala Abishova – Head of the “Lira” Public Association of young talents
  237. Mr. Elshan Naghiyev – Head of the Civic Initiatives and Public Awareness Public Union
  238. Mr. Shanin Jamalov – Head of the Joint Working Group for Implementation of International Human Rights Standards
  239. Mr. Shahin Huseynov – Head of the “Phoenix” Public Association for the Promotion of Healthy Living
  240. Mr. Mahammadhasan Hasanov – Head of the Assistance in Solving the Social and Economic Problems of Mine Victims Public Union
  241. Mr. Ibrahim Huseynov – Head of the “ARAN” Healthy Future of Children Public Union
  242. Mr. Jeyhun Musayev – Head of the Journalist Expert Center Public Union
  243. Mr. Chingiz Nazarov – Head of the “Eco-TES” Environmental Research and Education Public Union
  244. Mr. Alisafa Mehdiyev – Head of the Public Unity of “Peaceful World” Study Center
  245. Mr. Islam Mustafayev – Head of the “Ruzgar” Ecological Public Union
  246. Ms. Reyhan Jafarova – Head of the Social Support for People In Need of Care Public Union
  247. Ms. Shahla Yusifova – Head of the Azerbaijan World Cultural Center
  248. Mr. Refail Bejanov – Head of the Public Association “Human Rights and Education”
  249. Mr. Tural Huseynov – Head of the Azerbaijan Committee Against Torture
  250. Mr. Eyyub Huseynov – Head of the Independent Consumer Union
  251. Ms. Nazrin Babazade – Head of the Youth Development Public Union
  252. Mr. Elgun Ataliyev – Head of the Azerbaijan Wikimedia Volunteers Public Union
  253. Ms. Maria Huseynova – Head of the Azerbaijan Public Unity Help to Development of the Azerbaijan-Bulgarian friendship
  254. Mr. Novruz Aliyev – Head of the “Araz” Livestock-Dairy Farming Public Union
  255. Mr. Vidadi Guliyev – Head of the “Mughan duzu” Public Union of Social Development
  256. Mr. Ilgar Aliyev – Head of the Support for the Architecture of the Future Public Union
  257. Mr. Khanlar Mammadov – Head of the Center for Effective Initiatives Public Union
  258. Mr. Khanoglan Ahmedov – Head of the Media and Civil Society Public Union
  259. Mr. Hafiz Safikhanov – Head of the Azerbaijani Company Against Mines Public Union
  260. Ms. Jamila Isbandiyarova – Head of the in the Light of Intelligence Public Union for the Promotion of National Values
  261. Ms. Gulaye safarova – Head of the Family World Public Association of Legal Aid to Families
  262. Mr. Hatem Jabbarli – Head of the Eurasian Center for Security and Strategic Studies Public Union
  263. Mr. Ilgar Huseynli – Head of the Social Strategic Studies and Analytical Research Public Union
  264. Mr. Eldeniz Salmanov – Head of the Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Turkic Speaking States
  265. Mr. Elman Aslanov – Head of the Public Union for Powerful Azerbaijan
  266. Ms. Mehri Khanbabayeva – Head of the Azerbaijan Historians Public Union
  267. Mr. Chingiz Dadashov – Head of the Promotion of Democratic Development Public Union
  268. Mr. Qafar Mehdiyev – Head of the League of Independent Investigative Journalists Public Union
  269. Mr. Ali Balayev – Head of the Savalan Historical Research Public Association
  270. Mr. Samir Hasanov – Head of the “Ulduz” Information and Communication Technologies Enlightenment Public Union
  271. Ms. Jale Jafarova – Head of the Promotion of National Culture Public Union
  272. Ms. Sevil Yuzbasheva – Head of the Eco – Alem Public Union (World of Ecology)
  273. Mr. Agil Farajov – Head of the “Gizilbash” Youth Public Union
  274. Mr. Mughamat Aliyev – Head of the Community of Young Patriots Public Union
  275. Mr. Raul Ahmedov – Head of the Innovative Youth Public Union
  276. Mr. Fuad Abbasov – Head of the “Misra” Information Exchange and Initiatives Public Union
  277. Ms. Heyran Mammadova – Head of the “Human Rights Training and Research” Public Union
  278. Mr. Tahmasib Novruzov – Head of the Movement Participants for Freedom Public Union
  279. Mr. Niyamaddin Ordukhanov – Head of the Assistance to Municipal Development Public Union
  280. Ms. Irada Rizazade – Head of the Public Association “Social Welfare for the Citizens”
  281. Ms. Novrasta Yusifova – Head of the Society of Karabakh Invalids and Veterans
  282. Mr. Emin Aliyev – Head of the Azerbaijan’s Association of Organic Producers and Exporters Public Union
  283. Mr. Asif Alasgharli – Head of the Azerbaijan Democratic Student & Youth Organization
  284. Ms. Tanzila Rustamkhanli – Head of the Azeri-Turkic Women's Union
  285. Ms. Irada Yagubova – Head of the ELS Independent Research Center Public Union
  286. Mr. Vasif Musayev – Head of the Rural Development Children and Youth Public Union
  287. Ms. Mahluqa Rahimova – Head of the Society of Disabled Women Public Union
  288. Ms. Dunyakhanim Aliyeva – Head of the “Dunya” Mother and Children Public Union
  289. Mr. Ruslan Ismayilov – Head of the Human Rights Monitoring and Awareness Center Public Union
  290. Ms. Ilhama Gurbanova – Head of the Family and Environment Public Union
  291. Mr. Sabuhi Abdullayev – Head of the “ELM” Public Union for Support of Social and Intellectual Development of Youth
  292. Mr. Elchin Nasirli – Head of the OİSCA-İnternational Public Union
  293. Ms. Shargiyya Mammadova – Head of the Public Union of Enlightened Women
  294. Mr. Niyazi Mehdi – Head of the Women's Alliance for Civil Society
  295. Mr. Mehman Khalilov – Head of the Ganja Euro-Atlantic Information Center Public Union
  296. Ms. Ulviyya Akhundova – Head of the “Debate in Civil Society” Public Union
  297. Ms. Tukazban Suleymanova – Head of the “We Learn by Teaching” Youth Intellectual Development Support Public Union
  298. Mr. Ahmed Abbasbayli – Head of the Development of Society and Civil Relations Public Union
  299. Ms. Gulchohra Mammadova – Head of the Charitable Foundation of Republic of Azerbaijan for Development of Architecture, Construction Science and Education
  300. Mr. Aziz Alakbarli – Head of the Azerbaijan Refugee Society Public Union
  301. Mr. Sahib Farzaliyev – Head of the Potential Specialists of Sumgayit Public Union
  302. Mr. Elshad Mammadli – Head of the Civic Enlightenment Public Union
  303. Ms. Mahira Amirhuseynova – Head of the Women of the XXI Century Public Union
  304. Mr. Shahriyar Madjidov - Central of European Integration Public Union
  305. Ms. Farida Valiyeva – Head of the Process of Migration Research Public Union
  306. Mr. Elshad Eyvazli – Head of the Objective Journalist Public Union
  307. Mr. Anar Aslanov – Head of the Public Union for Solving Social Problems of Youth
  308. Mr. Akif Karimov – Head of the “Kura-Khazar” Charity Public Union
  309. Ms. Sudaba Mammadova – Head of the “Temas” Regional Development Public Union
  310. Mr. Azer Aliyev – Head of the “Youth Initiative” Enlightenment Public Union
  311. Mr. Namig Sardarli – Head of the “Promotion of Volunteer Activity” Youth Public Union
  312. Mr. Shovgi Bunyatov – Head of the “Pharmacists Club” Public Union
  313. Mr. Salim Askerov – Head of the “Scalpel” Patient Care Public Union
  314. Ms. Tamasha Guliyeva - Head of the Third Sector Public Union
  315. Ms. Sevda Tahirli – Head of the Mirza Alekber Sabir Foundation
  316. Mr. Parviz Mustafayev – Head of the “Yeni Gelecek” Youth Enlightenment Public Union
  317. Ms. Rasmiyya Abdullayeva – Head of the Economists of Turkic-speaking Countries
  318. Ms. Fidan Magsudova – Head of the Modern Women and Society
  319. Mr. Huseyn Ibrahimov – Head of the Study of Social and Cultural Changes
  320. Mr. Asef Valiyev – Head of the Public Union for Technical and Legal Assistance of Independent Journalists
  321. Mr. Yahya Sanan – Head of the Support for the Development of Marketing Activities Public Union
  322. Mr. Zaur Orujov – Head of the Public Union for Against Harmful Habits
  323. Ms. Dinara Bayramli – Head of the Pure Life Public Union
  324. Mr. Mazahir Afandiyev – Head of the National Drug Prevention Public Union
  325. Mr. Namig Jabbarzade – Head of the Public Union for the Enlightenment of Participants in Economic Relations
  326. Ms. Firuza Rasulova – Head of the Public Union for Azerbaijan National Culinary Research, Promotion and World Integration
  327. Ms. Matanat Jafarova – Head of the Support for Servicemen Families Public Union
  328. Ms. Shabnam Dadashova – Head of the Women and Society Civil Engagement Public Union
  329. Ms. Galiba Budagova – Head of the Social Protection for Families of National Heroes Public Union
  330. Mr. Ramil Abbasov – Head of the “Spectrum” Socio-Economic Research and Development Public Union
  331. Mr. Turgut Abbasbayli – Head of the “Resonance” Youth Public Union
  332. Mr. Maharram Zulfigarli – Head of the Research of Social Problems Association
  333. Mr. Zahir Malikli - Head of the “Zeka” Assembly of Intellectuals Public Union
  334. Mr. Shahin Rahmanli – Head of the “IRELI” Public Union
  335. Mr. Khalil Suleymanov – Head of the “Shefa” Psychological Social Assistance Public Union
  336. Mr. Irada Nasirova – Head of the “Merhemet" Public Union for Assistance to the Homeless
  337. Mr. Ganbar Gurbanov – Head of the “Ashig Shamshir” Cultural Center Public Union
  338. Mr. Elshen Suleymanov – Head of the Goat Farmers Public Union
  339. Mr. Rashad Hasanov – Head of the Center for Economic and Social Development Public Union
  340. Mr. Rahman Safarov – Head of the Socio-Economic Development of Goranboy Public Union
  341. Mr. Hamid Gasimov – Head of Azerbaijani Students Public Union
  342. Mr. Elman Ahmedov – Head of the Azeri-Tat Cultural Center Public Union
  343. Mr. Asim Valiyev – Head of the “Youth Contribution” Public Union
  344. Mr. Samir Akhundov – Head of the “Intellect” Boundless Educational Youth Organization
  345. Mr. Niyazi Hasanov – Head of the “Bereket” Public Union
  346. Ms. Afer Hajiyev – Head of the Azerbaijan Seed Producers Public Union
  347. Mr. Edil Edilzade – Head of the “Yeni-Heyet” Enonomic Development Public Union
  348. Ms. Konul Guliyeva – Head of the “Childrens Future” Public Union
  349. Mr. Inshallah Qafarov – Head of the Support for Social Reforms Public Union
  350. Ms. Sevil Allahverdiyeva – Head of the Research on Women's Issues Central Public Union
  351. Ms. Parvana Mustafayeva – Head of the “Ashig Peri Majlis” Public Union for the Promotion of Ozan Art
  352. Mr. Nuraddin Mehdiyev – Head of the “Bizim Nesil" Youth Regional Development Public Union
  353. Mr. Aydin Khan Abilov – Head of the “Beginner Writers and Artists” Public Union
  354. Ms. Nazli Zeynalova – Head of the Assistance on child-friendly Legal Aid Public Union
  355. Ms. Khoshbakhat Seyidova – Head of the Youth Support for Lonely İndividuals Public Union
  356. Mr. Saleh Baghirov – Head of the Youth Awareness and Promotion Center Public Union
  357. Mr. Namik Jabbarzade – Head of the Support to Encouragement of Economic Relations Participants Public Union
  358. Mr. Hafiz Hasanov – Head of the “Law and Development” Public Union
  359. Mr. Mutallim Rahimov – Head of the Democracy Development Problems Public Union
  360. Ms. Aynur Zulfugarova – Head of the Support of Innovative Education of Women and Children Public Union
  361. Mr. Gunkhan Ahmedli – Head of the Support for Socio-Economic Initiatives Public Union
  362. Mr. Sahil Huseynzade – Head of the Bilasuvar Teenagers and Youth Public Union
  363. Mr. Eldar Nagiyev – Head of the Youth Progress Support Public Union
  364. Mr. Rufat Asgarov – Head of the “Damiragaj” Public Union
  365. Mr. Vidadi Fatullayev – Head of the Migration Sphere Development Public Union
  366. Mr. Elchin Mukhtarli – Head of the Health Service Public Union
  367. Ms. Lamiyya Karimova – Head of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Development Public Union
  368. Ms. Yegane Mirzayeva – Head of the “Jigir” Moral Values Development Support Public Union
  369. Mr. Samad Hatamov – Head of the “Comeback to the Native Lands” Public Union
  370. Mr. Gorkhmaz Ibrahimli – Head of the “Biosphere” Public Union
  371. Mr. Nazim Ahmadli – Head of the Public Association for Cultural and Scientific Relations with the Scandinavian Countries Public Union
  372. Mr. Azizagha Ganizade – Head of the Public Union of War Veterans and International Military Servicemen
  373. Ms. Samaya Guliyeva – Head of the Women's and Children's Problems Research Public Union
  374. Mr. Elmaddin Murad – Head of the Journalism and Development Center Public Union
  375. Ms. Maleyka Alizade – Head of the Ganja Regional Women's Center Public Union
  376. Mr. Fuzuli Asadov – Head of the Protection of Victims from Radioactive Radiation Public Union
  377. Mr. Mushfig Alasgarli – Head of the Support for Innovative Initiatives in the Media Public Union
  378. Mr. Ahad Kazimov – Head of the Social and Psychological Research Public Union
  379. Mr. Orkhan Orujzade – Head of the Young Psychologists Public Union
  380. Mr. Amil Rustamov – Head of the Youth for Development Public Union
  381. Mr. Janoghlan Ilyasov – Head of the “Bir Konullu” Students Cooperation Public Union
  382. Mr. Mahammad Ibrahimov – Head of the “Siyazan Sabahi” Public Union
  383. Mr. Elmaddin Hasanov – Head of the Social Research for Development Public Union
  384. Mr. Zaur Ibrahimli – Head of the “Priority” Socio-Economic Research Center
  385. Ms. Arzu Huseyn – Head of the Evolution and Integration International Public Union
  386. Ms. Bahar Mammadova – Head of the Historic Research Public Union
  387. Mr. Mubariz Asgarov – Head of the “Objective” Public Union for Support of National Values
  388. Mr. Anar Aliyev – Head of the Public Union for Social and Economic Welfare
  389. Mr. Ogtay Sadighov – Head of the Refugee and Deported Support Public Union
  390. Ms. Zarifa Hamzayeva – Head of the IDP Women's Public Union
  391. Ms. Ulviyya Mikayilova – Head of the “Refugee and IDP Women's Development Center” Public Union
  392. Ms. Samira Mustafayeva – Head of the “Free like-minded persons” Youth Enlightenment Public Union
  393. Mr. Akif Nagi – Head of the Karabakh Liberation Organization
  394. Mr. Akram Baydamirli – Head of the Social Welfare and Research Public Union
  395. Mr. Elvin Mustafazade – Head of the “Bright Future” Public Union
  396. Mr. Samir Mehdizade – Head of the “Resource” Youth Development Public Union
  397. Mr. Gasim Hasanov – Head of the Social Welfare Support Public Union
  398. Mr. Hasan Israfilov – Head of the Cooperation Development Support Public Union
  399. Ms. Gamza Yusubova – Head of the Environmental Education and Monitoring Public Union
  400. Ms. Ilhama Haziyeva – Head of the International Young Lawyers Public Union
  401. Mr. Azer Javadov – Head of the “Baku Youth Club” Public Union
  402. Mr. Geray Alibeyov – Head of the Cultural Development Center
  403. Ms. Roya Tagiyeva – Head of the Azerbaijan Carpet Weavers Public Union
  404. Ms. Narmin Agayeva – Head of the Promotion of Irevan Cultural Heritage Public Union
  405. Ms. Yazgul Abdiyeva – Head of the Health Protection Public Union
  406. Mr. Ramiz Isgandarov – Head of the Environmental Socio-Economic Research Center Public Union
  407. Ms. Shalala Hasanova – Head of the “Support to the Development of Public Relations” Public Union
  408. Mr. Vugar Mammadzade – Head of the Institute of Social Development Public Union
  409. Mr. Farman Hasanov – Head of the “Faith and Hope” Public Union for Support of Disabled Children
  410. Mr. Bakhtiyar Aliyev – Head of the Modern Azerbaijan Psychologists Public Union
  411. Mr. Javid Aliyev – Head of the Support to Socio-Economic Development of Youth Public Union
  412. Mr. Vugar Huseynov – Head of the “Civic Initiative for Public Interests” Public Union
  413. Mr. Ashraf Mirzazade – Head of the Social Development Public Union
  414. Mr. Galib Nabiyev – Head of the Gabala Regional Youth Resource Center Public Union
  415. Mr. Musa Muradli – Head of the Environmental Information Public Union
  416. Mr. Nazim Aghayev – Head of the “Land of longevity” Ecology and Infrastructure Rehabilitation Public Union
  417. Mr. Kanan Taghizade – Head of the "Development" Public Union for the Promotion of Local Self-Governance
  418. Mr. Farhad Garashov – Head of the “Azerbaijan Pomegranate Producers and Exporters Association” Public Union
  419. Ms. Sariya Jafarova – Head of the Public Union for the Awareness-raising on Armenian Aggression
  420. Ms. Tamella Mirzayeva – Head of the “Support to Women's Social Development in Zagatala” Public Union
  421. Ms. Ayisha Ahmadova – Head of the Women's Rights and Gender Equality Public Union
  422. Ms. Shahla Babayeva – Head of the “Support to Women's Social Development in Sabirabad” Public Union
  423. Ms. Farida Mammadova – Head of the “Maternal and Child Health Center Public Union
  424. Ms. Gunay Aghamali – Head of the “Buta” Public Union for Children and Adolescents in need of Special Care
  425. Mr. Rauf Zeyni – Head of the National NGO Forum of Azerbaijan
  426. Mr. Fuad Badalov – Head of the Shamkir Regional NGO Resource and Training Center
  427. Mr. Rafig Ismayilov – Head of the “Center for Civil Society”
  428. Mr. Adalat Abdullayev – Head of the "Azerbaijan Saffron Producers and Exporters Association" Public Union
  429. Mr. Sarvan Jabrayilzade – Head of the “Agrarian Development Volunteers Organization” Public Union
  430. Mr. Saleh Baghirov – Head of the “Irs” Youth Awareness and Promotion Center
  431. Mr. Mubariz Lachinov – Head of the "Civilization" Monitoring and Research Public Union
  432. Ms. Aynur Mammadova – Head of the Public Union for Integration of Children and Youth with Disabilities into Sports
  433. Mr.Musa Hasanov – Head of the Social and Economic Development Partners Public Union
  434. Mr. Vamig Babayev – Head of the “Shafag” Ecotourism Public Union
  435. Ms. Kamala Mammadli – Head of the “Youth in Independent Entrepreneurship” Public Union
  436. Ms. Elnara Maharramova – Head of the “Enlightenment on Regional Socio-Economic Development” Public Union
  437. Ms. Almaz Zeynalova – Head of the Social Support to the to the Families of Martyrs Public Union
  438. Mr. Fuad Rzayev – Head of the Public Union for Baku War Invalids and Veterans
  439. Mr. Ilham Maharramov – Head of the “Arabachi” Network of People with Disabilities
  440. Ms. Nazakat Hasanova – Head of the Financial and Moral Support to the Families of Martyrs Public Union
  441. Mr. Sarraf Orujov – Head of the International Disabled Soldiers Public Union
  442. Ms. Maral Zamanova – Head of the Public Union for Provision of Rights of the 20 January Events’ Martyrs Families
  443. Mr. Rashad Ildirimzade – Head of the Youth Solidarity Public Union
  444. Mr. Fuzuli Rzaguliyev – Head of the Public Union of the Azerbaijani Veterans of the Patriotic War
  445. Ms. Ruhiyya Mammadova – Head of the “Support for Elderly and the Lonely People” Public Union
  446. Mr. Elchin Guliyev – Head of the “Towards Sustainable Development” Public Union
  447. Ms. Kamala Muradli – Head of the Modern Azerbaijani Women's Public Union
  448. Ms. Lalender Novruzova – Head of the Promotion of Cultures and Support for Folk Art Public Union
  449. Mr. Parviz Ilyasov – Head of the Azerbaijan Farmers Association
  450. Ms. Malahat Abbasova – Head of the Assistance to Orphaned Children Public Union
  451. Mr. Yusif Bakirov – Head of the Child Rights Protection Public Union
  452. Ms. Zulfiyya Nuriyeva – Head of the Support for Social, Economic and Agricultural Development of Tartar Region Public Union
  453. Mr. Aydin Piriyev – Head of the Public Association of “Support the Professional Development of Civil Engineers”
  454. Mr. Namig Najafov – Head of the “Origami” Public Union of Children and Teenagers
  455. Ms. Ulker Gadiyeva – Head of the Environmental Initiatives Center
  456. Mr. Sahib Mammadov – Head of the Public Union for Training and Research on Human Rights
  457. Ms. Ulker Abdullayeva – Head of the “For Women’s Leadership” Public Union
  458. Mr. Tahir Khudiyev – Head of the International Society of People with Disabilities Public Union
  459. Ms. Shafaq Gadirli – Head of the “Civic Responsibility in the Development of Society” Public Union
  460. Ms. Laman Aliyeva – Head of the Modern International Law and Sustainable Development Public Union
  461. Mr. Zaur Yunis – Head of the “Enlightenment and Social Development of Beylagan Youth” Public Union
  462. Ms. Ziba Hajiyeva – Head of the Civic Initiatives and Human Rights Public Union
  463. Mr. Gasham Abayev – Head of the “Support for Development of Khinalig Tourism” Public Union
  464. Mr. Intigam Safarov – Head of the “Gayghi” Public Union for the Protection of Children's Rights
  465. Mr. Alimusa Aliyev – Head of the “Mughan” Assistance to Development Public Union
  466. Mr. Lutvali Zeynalli – Head of the “Aran” Humanitarian Research Public Union
  467. Mr. Rashad Abbasov – Head of the "Intellect" Support for Children and Youth Public Union
  468. Mr. Parviz Rzayev - "Voice of Youth" Enlightenment Public Union
  469. Mr. Galib Mirzayev – Head of the Public Union of "Mughan" Agricultural Producers
  470. Mr. Vali Asgarov – Head of the “Anti-Drug” International Research Center
  471. Ms. Durna Valiyeva – Head of the Support for Creative Youth Public Union
  472. Mr. Mirintigam Hasanov – Head of the “Idrak” Support to the Development of Science Public Union
  473. Mr. Nasraddin Karamov – Head of the “Aran” Environmental Awareness Public Union
  474. Ms. Shalala Babayeva – Head of the “Assistance to Nature Protection in Gabala Region” Public Union
  475. Vugar Jafarov – Head of the Promotion of Municipal Activities Public Union
  476. Mr. Baylar Garayev – Head of the Veterinary Sanitation and Environmental Protection Public Union
  477. Mr. Ramiz Juranov – Head of the “Ravan” Youth Support Public Union
  478. Mr. Fakhraddin Hasanzade – Head of the “Youth Education Center” Public Union
  479. Ms. Khatira Farajova – Head of the Public Union for the Promotion of Cultural Development
  480. Ms. Sveta Rafiyeva – Head of the Pediatric Cardiology and Rheumatology Public Union
  481. Mr. Ulvi Aliyev – Head of the “Free Economic Development Assistance” Center Public Union
  482. Mr. Salim Balayev – Head of the “Ekolog-2010” Environmental Awareness Public Union
  483. Ms. Fidan Abbasli – Head of the “Umidim sensen” Assistance to Social Development Public Union
  484. Mr. Seymur Azammadov – Head of the “New Stage in Social Development” Public Union
  485. Mr. Mikayil Hasanli – Head of the “Enlightenment of the Young Generation” Public Union
  486. Ms. Tamilla Guliyeva – Head of the “History of Development of the Azerbaijani Culture” Public Union
  487. Mr. Ramiz Aliyev – Head of the Fighting Against Human Trafficking Public Union
  488. Mr. Sevgim Rahmanov – Head of the Association of Merchants and Manufacturers Public Union
  489. Mr. Yunis Maharramov – Head of the Foundation for Assistance to Electronic Media
  490. Ms. Laman Javadzade – Head of the Youth Public Union for Culture of Peace
  491. Mr. Nofal Sharifov – Head of the “Fight against AIDS” Public Union
  492. Mr. Zamig Lalayev – Head of the “Innovation” Public Union for Solving Social and Economic Problems
  493. Mr. Azad Ibrahimov – Head of the Assistance to Youth Development Public Union
  494. Mr. Tural Aliyev – Head of the “Elite Young Entrepreneurs Center” Public Union
  495. Mr. Loghman Karimov – Head of the Azerbaijan-Romania Friendship Society
  496. Mr. Nijat Nabiyev – Head of the “Support to Youth Initiative and Development” Public Union
  497. Mr. Pasha Nabiyev – Head of the “Anti-Drug” International Scientific-analytical Center Public Union
  498. Ms. Leyla Huseynova – Head of the “Gizlar Bulaghi” Charitable Foundation for Training and Education of Children, Adolescents and Young Girls
  499. Ms. Yegana Aliyeva – Head of the “Ayna” Refugee and IDP Women Public Union
  500. Mr. Elgun Gafarov – Head of the “Family Enlightenment” Public Union
  501. Mr. Elshad Hasanov – Head of the “Assistance to Karabakh War Veterans” Public Union
  502. Ms. Vafa Aktuz – Head of the “Gulustan” Public Union for Assistance to Orphans and Women
  503. Ms. Shahla Khalilova – Head of the “Civic Tribune” Public Union
  504. Mr. Vugar Gadirov – Head of the “Aydinlar Ojaghi” Humanitarian Public Union
  505. Mr. Israyil Isgandarov – Head of the “Umid” Support for Social Development Public Union
  506. Mr. Jamal Agil – Head of the “Ortag Deyerler” Public Union
  507. Mr. Jeyhun Hajibeyov – Head of the “Turan” Union of Talents
  508. Mr. Ismayil Isayev – Head of the “Successful Future” Public Union
  509. Mr. Teymur Muradov – Head of the Education, Welfare and Development Public Union
  510. Mr. Imamaddin Guliyev – Head of the “Youth Friendship Network” Public Union
  511. Ms. Khatira Valiyeva – Head of the “Khankendi” Support to IDP’s Public Union
  512. Mr. Shamsaddin Aliyev – Head of the “Support to Police” Public Union
  513. Ms. Garanfil Niftaliyev – Head of the “Social Support” Public Union
  514. Ms. Aghanene Sadikhova – Head of the “Ulvi” for Support to Low-income People
  515. Mr. Aziz Alakbarov - Azerbaijan Refugee Society Public Union;
  516. Mr. Israyil Isgandarov - “Umid” Support for Social Development Public Union;
  517. Ms. Mehriban Zeynalova - “Clean World” Aid to Women Public Union;
  518. Mr. Ahmad Abbasbeyli - Development of Society and Civil Relations Public Union;
  519. Mr. Nasiman Yagublu - Support for History and Press Studies Public Union;
  520. Mr. Shahin Rajabov - “Azerbaijan Parent-Teacher Association” Public Union;
  521. Mr. Aydin Abilov - “Beginner Writers and Artists” Public Union;
  522. Mr. Fikrat Yusifov - “Economics” International Economic Research Association;
  523. Mr. Elchin Huseynov – “Azerbaijan Writers Club” Public Union;
  524. Mr. Aydin Karimov - Independent Law Center;
  525. Ms. Ilaha Israfilova – Head of the Public Union for Development of Cultural Relations
  526. Ms. Zulfiyya Huseynov – Head of the “Praksis” Assistance for Social Development Public Union
  527. Mr. Tural Huseynov – Head of the “Azerbaijan Committee Against Torture” Public Union
  528. Mr. Magsad Sariyev – Head of the “YeniSi” Central Public Union of Literary and Cultural Manifestations
  529. Mr. Shamsaddin Aliyev - Public Union “Support to Police”;
  530. Mr. Abbas Panahov – Head of the Support to Innovative Initiatives Public Union;
  531. Ms. Chichak Mammadli – Head of the Autism Defectological and Psychological Assistance Center Public Union.

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