National Geographic: Mubariz broke down in tears when found home in ruins

National Geographic has shared the story of an Azerbaijani named Mubariz, who had to flee Kalbajar district with his father during the war in Karabakh in 1993, Report informs.

The journal published this story on its official Instagram page.

"The Murov mountain pass to Kalbajar was the only route available for thousands of Azerbaijani civilians fleeing war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region in 1993. Many had to walk and froze to death on the way. It took Mubariz and his father a week to walk through these mountains before they reached safety. Occupied by Armenian forces for 27 years, the Kalbajar district was handed back to Azerbaijan in November 2020, after the latest flare-up between the two countries ended with a peace deal brokered by Russia. Nearly three decades since his family fled the first Karabakh war, Mubariz took his daughter to visit their village in Kalbajar. He broke down in tears when he found his childhood home in ruins," reads the story.

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