Lawyer: Armenia should be held accountable

The evidence of the criminal activity of the Armenian occupiers and aggressors in the liberated Azerbaijani territories is obvious, there is all evidence, Honored Lawyer of Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Law, Professor Kairat Osmonaliev told Report.

“It is also clear to all political players involved in the settlement of this conflict that Armenia and the separatists in Nagorno-Karabakh should be held accountable under international criminal law and international humanitarian law. The desecration of the Azerbaijani cultural heritage causes a special indignation. Such crimes shouldn’t remain unpunished,” he said.

Kairat Osmonaliev also noted that countries should think about co-authoring a resolution at the UN General Assembly condemning the destruction of monuments of historical and cultural heritage in Karabakh: “I believe that the countries of the Turkic world should show solidarity in this issue.”

Earlier it was reported that Azerbaijan applied to the ministries of culture of 150 countries in connection with acts of vandalism.

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