Lasting peace between Baku, Yerevan to help region realize its potential

Armenia’s 30-year-long occupation of territories internationally recognized as Azerbaijan’s inflicted enormous suffering on a million Azerbaijani refugees and led to wide-scale destruction in the area, reads an article by Elin Suleymanov, Azerbaijan’s ambassador to the US, published in the Newsweek magazine, Report informs.

The Armenian people have an opportunity to extricate themselves from the emotional and economic burdens of carrying out an occupation, to shed the effects of long conflict, and to live alongside their Azerbaijani neighbors in peace, he noted.

"For the first time in decades, high-ranking Armenian and Azerbaijani officials are discussing the establishment of transportation and communication links as well as other opportunities for regional cooperation," reads the article.

Американские компании могут участвовать в восстановлении Нагорного Карабаха, объединив усилия для создания "умных" и "зеленых" городов и сообществ. Ключевым остающимся препятствием является наличие огромного количества наземных мин, установленных армянскими силами, которые продолжают убивать азербайджанских мирных жителей и военнослужащих.

США могут сыграть важную роль в поддержке усилий по разминированию на благо как армянского, так и азербайджанского народов.

Теперь Америке следует применить к Южному Кавказу общий подход. Прочный мир между Арменией и Азербайджаном позволит региону полностью реализовать свой потенциал, а Армении - интегрироваться со своими соседями. Эту возможность нельзя упускать."- добавил Э. Сулейманов.

‘US companies should participate in the reconstruction of Nagorno-Karabakh by joining the efforts to build smart and green cities and communities. The key remaining impediment is the presence of vast numbers of landmines laid by Armenian forces that continue to kill Azerbaijani civilians and military personnel,’ the ambassador added.

The US can play an essential role in supporting the demining effort for the benefit of both the Armenian and Azerbaijani people, he noted.

"America should now apply the big-picture approach to the South Caucasus. A lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan would allow for the region to realize its full potential and for Armenia to integrate with its neighbors. This opportunity must not be missed," reads the article.

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