Kazakhstan embassy: November 8 - symbol of invincible will of Azerbaijani people

November 8 has been written in gold letters in the chronicles of Azerbaijan as a symbol of unity, firmness and invincible will of the entire Azerbaijani people, the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Azerbaijan wrote on Facebook.

"On the occasion of the Day of Victory, the Embassy of Kazakhstan cordially congratulates fraternal Azerbaijan on this national holiday, marked by the restoration of historical justice and territorial integrity of the country in accordance with the Charter and resolutions of the UN Security Council. This remarkable date has been written in gold letters in the glorious chronicles of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a symbol of unity, firmness and invincible will of the entire Azerbaijani people in the name of the strengthening of statehood and sovereignty of the country. We wish sustainable development and progress, peace, welfare and further prosperity to fraternal Azerbaijan," the embassy said.

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