Israeli lawyer calls for maximum effort to bring Khojaly realities to world

It is necessary to do everything possible for the whole world to know about the genocide in Khojaly, Michael Finkel, an Israeli lawyer and specialist in international law and international policy, told Report.

"The 30th anniversary of this big tragedy - the Khojaly genocide, when Armenian thugs killed a huge number of people - more than 600 people, according to the estimates - is approaching. Many people fled, leaving everything behind, and it all happened in the cold season. Terrorists mercilessly killed elderly people, women, and children, burning out their eyes with cigarette butts," said Finkel.

"It is necessary to do the maximum so that this crime - the genocide of the Azerbaijani people - gains public knowledge," the expert believes.

"We are wondering why the world community does nothing about this. Probably, the answer is that there is such a notion as 'positive bias' in psychology. At the same time it is worth remembering that Armenia is a Christian country and the world community is 'positively biased' towards it," said the lawyer. He added that there is also a sizeable Armenian community in Europe, which occupies not the last place in the legal system, business, politics, journalism, and it does everything to divert the attention of the world community from the tragedy in Khojaly.

"Everything possible must be done so that the world knows about this genocide so that there are no illusions that Armenia is such an 'eternal victim,' constantly trumpeting its so-called genocide. The Armenians repeatedly and constantly committed the cruelest crimes," he added.

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