Ilham Aliyev: 'A mission is expected to come on a visit as a result of our discussions with UNESCO'

A mission is expected to come on a visit as a result of our discussions with UNESCO, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said as he received President of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly Volkan Bozkir, Report informs, citing AzerTag.

"In fact, we repeatedly asked UNESCO during the conflict to send a fact-finding mission to the occupied territories. According to the information we have, our historical, religious, and cultural sites have been destroyed by the Armenians, and we wanted international organizations, including UNESCO, which is directly involved in this issue, to come and confirm that. Unfortunately, during the conflict, our proposal went unanswered, but a mission is now expected to come on a visit. We welcome that because Armenian savagery and vandalism are obvious in the liberated lands. The more international organizations see it with their own eyes, the clearer the picture of the conflict and Armenian occupation will be in the world community," the leader said.

"Unfortunately, during the conflict, our proposal went unanswered, but a mission is now expected to come on a visit. We welcome that because Armenian savagery and vandalism are obvious in the liberated lands. The more international organizations see it with their own eyes, the clearer the picture of the conflict and Armenian occupation will be in the world community. In short, dear Volkan Bey, we will continue our work in this direction. I want to thank you for coming to Azerbaijan again. I know that you have recently visited Turkey, your homeland, and you are visiting Azerbaijan, another homeland for you, today," the President said.

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