Erdoğan: "Armenian occupation ended with the support of Turkey”

“We have contributed to ending 30 years of injustice in Nagorno-Karabakh.”
Report informs, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said.

“With the support of our country, Armenian occupation of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan has ended, hopes for a lasting solution have risen for the first time. Some of the countries co-chairing the Minsk Group, which until recently did not show their sight, and sometimes openly supported Armenia, show concern. Still, their opinion has no significance, ”Erdogan said.

Erdoğan also spoke about the telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin: “Yesterday, I spoke with Putin. We discussed the steps that we can take together in this process. I believe that we - Russia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan are taking appropriate steps to establish peace in the region.”

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