How well are Georgia residents aware of Second Karabakh War?

Some 70 percent of Georgia respondents said they knew about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Georgian bureau of Report informs, referring to a survey by the Caucasus Research Resource Center - Georgia (CRRC) organization called the ‘Caucasian Barometer.’

In the neighboring country, the percentage of those who are aware of the conflict has increased. In 2013, this figure was 62 percent.

This is while 24 percent of respondents said they did not know about the conflict, and 6 percent refused to answer the question.

Some 55 percent of those aware of the conflict noted that it was possible to avoid war, while 17 percent, on the contrary, said it was impossible. Meanwhile, 28 percent of respondents did not answer the relevant question or declined to comment.

The respondents also assessed Georgia's role in the conflict, with 38 percent evaluating it positively, 7 percent giving a negative remark, and 48 percent abstaining from the assessment.

The survey was conducted on December 8-14 last year through a telephone interview and covered 1,504 respondents.

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