Hamlet Isakhanli: Victory in Karabakh war - path to complete restoration of sovereignty

Khankandi returned to its historical name owing to anti-terrorist measures in Karabakh in September, the founder of Khazar University, Professor Hamlet Isakhanli said at the opening of a symposium on the theme "The Third Anniversary of the Great Victory: Challenges and Prospects of the Post-Conflict Period."

"The toponym Khankandi has historical value; it began to be used at the end of the 18th century. After the Second Karabakh War, which was a great historical event for us, Azerbaijan managed to completely restore its territorial integrity. Historically, Azerbaijan was subject to occupation by major powers. And in this sense, victory in the Karabakh war symbolizes not only a direct path to the restoration of sovereignty, but also our identity," he noted.

Isakhanli also recalled the historical stages of the formation of independent Azerbaijan and the obstacles that the state faced during the formation of the Russian Empire over time and before the former Union.

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