Expert: Provocations intensified after Armenian defense minister’s illegal trip to Karabakh

Contrary to the terms of the (November 10, 2020) tripartite statement, civilians still have weapons and this poses a threat to the region, expert Ilgar Valizada, said in a comment on the incident with an Armenian terrorist, who threw a hand grenade at servicemen of the Azerbaijani army and the Russian peacekeeping contingent at a checkpoint in Karabakh (on November 13, 2021).

After the illegal visit of Armenian Defense Minister Arshak Karapetyan to Karabakh, such provocations are being carried out systematically, he said.

"This clearly shows that Armenians are engaged in destructive activities. Such cases do not serve stability in the region, on the contrary, they can lead to tensions in relations between the Azerbaijani military personnel and the Russian peacekeepers. Therefore, serious measures should be taken. The processes must be given both military and political assessment," the expert opined.

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