Expert: Policy of double standards towards Azerbaijan continues

The perpetrators of the horrible Ganja crimes have not yet been brought to justice, Doctor of Law, Professor, Azerbaijani Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Namiq Aliyev told Report in connection with the second anniversary of the rocket attacks on Ganja.

"This is the result of the policy of double standards pursued by the international community," he said.

The diplomat noted that Azerbaijan has faced unfair policy since the times of the Soviet Union, when the income of the country’s economy was transferred to the union budget and then, as subsidies, to the budgets of other republics.

Double standards were also appeared during the 44-day Second Karabakh War, he said.

“These double standards are manifested in the actions and statements of state leaders, politicians and experts,” Aliyev said, adding that those who pursue such a policy prefer to ignore the norms of international law.

According to Aliyev, the genocide in Khojaly that was committed with the participation of the 366th regiment of the allied armed forces, the perpetrators of which have not yet been punished, can be cited as an example of flagrant injustice.

“Against this background, the shelling of Ganja and other peaceful cities of Azerbaijan, which resulted in the death of the civilian population, including children, women, the elderly, begs the question: are these facts the links in the same chain? Will it be possible to hold the perpetrators of these crimes to account?” said the expert.

Despite the tripartite agreement on the cessation of hostilities signed between the presidents of Azerbaijan, Russia and the prime minister of Armenia, Armenian armed formations are still on the Azerbaijani territory, where Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed, he noted.

“Until now, nothing is known about the fate of almost 4,000 of our compatriots who went missing during the first Karabakh war,” Aliyev reminded.

“We hope that Armenia will cooperate with Azerbaijan on humanitarian issues and provide information on the location of the mass graves of our citizens. This is what champions of human rights and justice should talk about,” Namiq Aliyev summed up.

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